This text is for content offset
This text is for content offset
Status: In development...
Latest version: -
This plugin is inactive. There will not be any update soon.
CB: 1.4.5-R1.0
GitHub: https://github.com/spywhere/S2S
Description for server owner
S2S (server-to-server) plugin allow all plugin to interact with their plugin on another server at the same time. This provides great way for multi-server owner who want to manage all server within any server they have via supported plugin.
Description for plugin developer
S2S (server-to-server) plugin provides your plugin to have ability of interact through another server. This makes plugin more useful for multi-server owner who want to manage or interact your plugin within any of server they own. This ability can make plugin more useful like S2S chat, S2S item transfer and much more.
How it's work
- Connection manager
- Plugin permissions (for add/remove server, send/read data)
Green - Finished
DeepSkyBlue - Partial finished
Blue - In progress
Orange - Not started
MediumPurple - Requested
Red - Planned to do on newer version
How to install
Put the .jar file in Plugins folder and run the server...
Not available...
Not available...
No permission
Important Info
Not available
Known issue
Not available
[A] = Add
[F] = Fix
[I] = Improve
[R] = Remove
Not available
If you want that than you have to use BungeeCord
Short answer. No.
Long answer.
Teleportation between server is not possible with this plugin. The feature of this plugin is only transfer data (object) between server. And because it is a plugin, no client-side control without client mod.
The main reason I working on this plugin is I want to control another server via my server. Let's say I have Server A and Server B, I want to control server B via server A. That was what this plugin made for.
It means you can do will be portals and teleport between servers? This is something like the server hub?
Well, just like Vault... You add this plugin as a library to your project and server should install this plugin too...
Plugin itself is a manager. It can set which plugin allow to send/receive data and also control which server can send data to.
Also, you can use this plugin as softdepend. So, if server don't have this plugin installed just don't enable multi-server feature.
So, will it require plugin authors to specifically add support by incorporating the API or can they do it vanilla (Probably a dumb question :D).
Should be yes... It's a kind of API for send/receive data...
Also, I just push it on GitHub now... Link will be posted soon...
Will ALL plugins be supported?
Source code of this plugin should be included within .jar file...
And these is what I planned...
Library is working now... but need to check/improve on plugin permissions
BTW, is the source online somewhere?
I know a person that might be interested in giving this a shot!
Nice!! I can't wait for the release!