
Due to some questions about installation and editing MySQL tables this page is created.


  • Download the latest approved .jar file of rscPermissions. Put it in the /plugins/ folder of your server.
  • Start and stop the server. Configuration file /plugins/rscPermissions/config.yml will be created.
  • If you haven't local or remote MySQL server download it from official site. Follow installation notes from that site to install and setup database server.
  • Download and install MySQL Workbench. This is a GUI tool which will help you to edit data without knowing of SQL language.
  • Setup administrative connection to your server. Create separate user for plugin if you want and relogin to server under him.
  • If you have no schemas execute following script: CREATE SCHEMA `somename`. Otherwise, under Schemas right-click on free space and select Create schema. This will be your database. For example it can be named rscpdemo.
  • Open config.yml and enter connection details: IP or DNS name for server (for local you can use or localhost); port (usually 3306); database (schema) name; username and password.
  • Start and stop server again. If succesfully connected plugin will create tables for entities, permissions, inheritance and ladders in database with prefixes set in config.yml (default is rscp_). Right-click in Schemas and select Refresh All. Little triange is shown near rscpdemo. Open subtree and look at created tables. Right-click any table and select Edit table.
  • After adding / editing / deleting rows in excel-like window, click Apply.
  • Start your server (or enter /rscp reload) and plugin will eat your data.