
Here you can find configuration settings.

Default configuration file contents

  default-group: Default
  auto-reload-delay-sec: 900
  maintenance-mode: ''
  treat-asterisk-as-op: true
  enable-rewards: false
  auto-update: true
  use-metrics: true
  region-finder-thread-granularity-msec: 1000
- nodename: db-primary
  database: localhost:3306/minecraft
  username: user1
  password: pass1
  prefixes: rscp_
  workmode: fullaccess
    unlocked: '{_YL}Server left the maintenance mode'
        mmon: '{_YL}Server is going into maintenance mode.{_NL}{_YL}All players without permissions will be kicked.'
        kick: '{_YL}Server is going into maintenance mode'
        motd: '{_DR}Server is under maintenance'
        motd: '{_DR}Rolling back griefing.'
        motd: '{_DR}We are editing world with WE.'
  version: 1

settings.default-group — the name of the default group for new players. Group's name Default is hardcoded so you can delete this line if you want. — how often plugin will automatically reread values from database tables. Set this to zero to disable auto reloading of permissions. Value of 900 (15 minutes) is hardcoded so you can delete this line if you want.

settings.maintenancemode — the name of maintenance mode currently enabled on current server. Plugin will support unlimited customized maintenance modes. This feature was inspired by the MaintenanceMode plugin. Empty value means no any maintenance enabled.

settings. treat-asterisk-as-op — plugin will assing OP status to player when he receives * permission and withdraw in other way.

settings.enable-rewards — plugin will manage rewards.

settings.use-metrics — enable sending stats to — enable Updater v2.0 (or later) included inside the rscPermissions. It will look up for newest approved DBO versions and inform admins that it can be downloaded.

settings.region-finder-thread-granularity-msec — some threading config, will be discused later. Keep it default (1000) for now.

servers — the list of credentials and locations for plugin's MySQL tables. We think it is good solution to keep primary database on dedicated server and to have local replication in readonly mode.

nodename is how plugin will call this connection in console log.

workmode — can be none (no connection parameters where entered), readonly (plugin will only read data from database and never change, so it can be local replication of remote database) or fullaccess (allow plugin to make changes into database). If the database is a result of replication from other place it can be strongly recommended to set this option to readonly. You are able to setup both servers as read-only and never edit permissions from plugin (for example if you want only your website to do all the work). But people with special permissions (server's administrators and moderators) still can use commands to make edits in the local memory cache until server/plugin next restart or scheduled autoreloading.

prefixes is prefix of plugin tables in database.

internal.version — is used to upgrade features in the future. Just never touch it.

Templates for localization strings

§0{_BL}, {BLACK}§l{_B}, {BOLD}
§1{_DB}, {DARKBLUE}§m{_S}, {STRIKED}
§4{_DR}, {DARKRED}§r{_R}, {RESET}
§6{_BR}, {BROWN}, {GOLD}SpecialTemplates
§7{_LS}, {SILVER}, {GRAY}, {LIGHTGRAY}New line (\n){_NL}
§c{_LR}, {RED}, {LIGHTRED}
§e{_YL}, {YELLOW}
§f{_WH}, {WHITE}