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  • Uploaded
    Dec 17, 2013
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    97.64 KB
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Supported Bukkit Versions

  • 1.7.4
  • 1.6.4
  • 1.5.2


This version should be compatible with servers from 1.4 to 1.7.4 (if not, please report).


  • Working importer from PermissionsEx! But currently only from it's SQL backend. Migrate pex from yaml backend into sql backend using it's manual. Database for pex and rscp tables should be the same. Enter command: /rscp import pex-sql.
    Currently I'm confused with MySQL behaviour on using NULLs in UNIQUE keys. They aren't work as I thought and I need time to find workaround for this. Maybe in future all NULL values becomes empty strings. Right now just DO NOT enter import command more than once — it will create dupllicate rows (for the first call it also possible).
  • Now includes Updater v2.0 by Gravity! When update is found rscp will inform administrators (users with rscp.admin permission node) that update is available. To download new version just enter command /rscp update. However, downloaded file will have the same name as running version. It is a limitation of Updater/CraftBukkit so I hope it will be resolved in the near future.
    Just keep in mind that file rscPermissions_v0.7.2 can be in fact v0.8.9 or something else :)
  • Prefixes/suffixes can now include instantiator ? from group inheritance.
  • Also, prefixes/suffixes can include upper value on the inheritance resolution tree. For example: user Notch inherits group G.abc. Group G inherits group A. Group A has prefix "§4[w1]§r ". Group G has prefix "%§2[m2]§r " and suffix "§7 (§8?§7)§r". In chat, user Notch will have resulting name: "§4[w1]§r§2[m2]§rNotch§7 (§8abc§7)§r" (decolored version: "[w1] [m2] Notch (abc)"). Very good for complex inheritance structures.
  • In the end, prefixes/suffixes can contain special color codes from our Pages/Configuration.
  • Bans feature was completely moved away from rscp into new separate plugin rscBans. WIll appear on DBO at Jan 2014, I hope.
  • Another one plugin should appear in the near future: rscPayments. It will gather items/money/levels from player, execute commands from the face of server/player (with special temporary assigned permissions) and refunds items/money/levels back. May be it will add inheritances and realize some other vault and rscp posibilities.
  • /rscp user <user> list permissions now lists permission nodes alphabetically.

Latest Vault release still doesn't support rscPermissions, but you can download it's sources and compile them yourself or download .jar compiled by me.

Use on production servers at your own risk.
Since project started I have no one report about errors so I think it is quite stable, but firstly make some tests on private servers, please. Hovewer, if you have tested it and it shows good stability you can use it as you want, but tell me that it really stable. I should to know it!

We recommend to use MySQL Workbench (free official GUI tool for Windows) to edit database row, but feel free to use any SQL editor you want (myPHPAdmin, etc.).