RPGHealth is an unique plugin, unlike many others, that allows you and your players to level up your HP by killing other players or mobs. This plugin finds it's place on every type of server.
- It makes PVP more fun and adds a new challenge, instead of collecting diamond gear.
- With survival, a whole new objective gets added.
- Minigame servers, for a new type of 'skill'.
I've completely redone the coding of this plugin, to make it even smoother and to improve what the plugin does, such as new animations.
Commands And Permissions
Command | Permission -------------------------------- /rpghp gethp rpghealth.gethp //rpghp gethp <Player> //Gets the amount of hearts of the targeted player. /rpghp sethp rpghealth.sethp //rpghp sethp <Player> <Number> //Sets the HP of the targeted player to the number you defined. /rpghp tmphp rpghealth.tmphp //rpghp tmphp <Player> <Number> //Sets the HP temporary. /rpghp addhp rpghealth.addhp //rpghp addhp <Player> <Number> // Adds defined number of HP to the targeted player. /rpghp addxp rpghealth.addxp //rpghp addxp <Player> <Number> // Adds defined number of XP to the targeted player. /hp rpghealth.hp //hp //This will show you your progress to your next HP level. //If you want to check the progress of another player, you need the permission "rpghealth.hp.others" and to type "/hp <playername>". /rpghp reload rpghealth.reload //rpghp reload //Reloads the configuration file, saves players.yml and checks for updates. -------------------------------- Permissions : rpghealth.hp //Allow the players to earn XP Groups permissions (only if "use-groups-permissions" in the config is enabled): rpghealth.lvl.low //Players with this permission can level up to max 24 HP by default. ( ' (startinghp + maxhp) / 2.5 ' ) rpghealth.lvl.med //30 by default ( ' (startinghp + maxhp) / 2 ' ) rpghealth.lvl.max //full (40 by default) (maxhp) rpghealth.damagemultiplier //Allow the players to use the damage multiplier
This is an explaination of how the configuration file works.
configuration: max-hp: 40 //Sets what the heighest HP achieveable by leveling is. starting-hp: 20 //Sets the HP of new players that are not in the storage. needed-xp-formula: 20*HP //This will set the needed-xp. xp-percentage-from-mobspawners: 20 //This sets the percentage of the mob's XP if it comes from a monster spawner. xp-lost-on-death-formula: 4*HP //The XP you lose on death hp-display-scale: 1.0 //Scales your HP enable-names-xp: false //enabled names-xp list minimum-level-to-earn-xp: 0 //Minimum level to earn xp multiply-gained-xp-with-levels: false //Multiply gained xp with default Minecraft levels xpmessages: true //Toggles XP messages. (requires Holographic Displays) disable-in-creative: true //players in creative mode do not get more xp reset-hp-on-death: false //sets the players hp to the starting hp on death damage-multiplier: false //Players with more Health do more damage. use-groups-permissions: true //Enables extra permissions for groups heal-after-world-change: false //Heals the players during a world change. silent-console-commands: false //Mute console output on 'addxp', 'sethp' and 'addhp' levelup-particles: true //shows particles on level up enable-sounds: true //Levelup and mobkill sounds check-for-updates: true //Allows RPGHealth to check for updates mobs-xp: //This is a list where you can define howmuch XP each mob drops. BAT: 2 //The XP of a bat is set to 2. BLAZE: 7 //And so on.. CAVE_SPIDER: 4 CHICKEN: 1 COW: 1 CREEPER: 3 ENDER_DRAGON: 350 ENDERMAN: 8 GHAST: 7 GIANT: 140 HORSE: 4 IRON_GOLEM: 13 MAGMA_CUBE: 5 MUSHROOM_COW: 2 OCELOT: 2 PIG: 1 PIG_ZOMBIE: 6 PLAYER: 0 SHEEP: 1 SILVERFISH: 4 SKELETON: 3 SLIME: 1 SNOWMAN: 1 SPIDER: 3 SQUID: 1 VILLAGER: 3 WITCH: 6 WITHER: 150 WOLF: 3 ZOMBIE: 2 ENDERMITES: 2 GUARDIANS: 4 RABBIT: 1 names-xp: //This is a list where you can define howmuch XP a mob with a certain name drops. - examplemobname1 = 8 - examplemobname2 = 6 nonaffected-worlds: //worlds where HP is not affected/levelled. - exampleworldname1 - exampleworldname2 player-storage: //Here will be all the players that have joined the server. (Desle): //The uuid of the player. name: Desle (only if save-player-names in the configfile is set to true) hp: 34.0 //The HP of a player (level). xp: 0.0 //The XP of a player. xp-needed: 1020 //The needed XP of a player to rankup.
Tutorials and Reviews
Go to the Videos page.
You want to use a newer RPGHealth version with an older Minecraft version? You can find backports here.
If you have questions or ideas, post them here.
You can change the messages in messages.yml or download presets of this file.
RPGHealthPlus checks spigotmc.org for updates and will notify Ops if a new version is available. You can disable this in the config file.
Get Involved
If you found a bug or have an idea to make this plugin better, write about it here:
or here:
This plugin uses Metrics-Lite to track anonymous data about servers using this plugin. It has no impact on your server's performance. You can see the statistics here. If you want to disable it, open the configfile in /plugins/bStats and set enabled: false.
Thank you for this nice plugin. A simple question here, does your plugin is compatible with https://dev.bukkit.org/projects/absorptionshields
(absorption hearts which regenerate after some seconds) ?
i don't know why but the permissions won't work, i give the players the permissions and it still says they can't do it. the only command that works is /rpghp version and anyone can do that. only opped players can do the rest of the commands.
could you make it into a mod? i've been searching forever for a mod that does exactly this for minecraft 1.10.2 but sadly the closest i could find was noheros more health mod for minecraft 1.7.10
Currently I won't do it, because I never wrote a mod for forge yet and I won't do it in the near future,
1. There is this cool project: https://www.spongepowered.org/
I have no idea, if this works and how easy it will be to port this plugin to sponge, but I guess it will be easier than porting it to forge. I will try it someday.
2. This plugin is open source. You (and others) can find the source code here:
If someone is able to port it ... feel free to do it ;)
Hi, I have a question,how can we set that HP indicator like you have on image? http://oi43.tinypic.com/120l4zt.jpg
I want to remove standard HP in mc, I want to change hearts into that. Anyone know that plugin? Or? BTW nice plug.
That's not an HP indicator. it shows how much XP you need until you level up your health. I'm not sure if there's a plugin which does what youre looking for sadly
Thanks ;) , you can post your opinion about RPGHealth here, if you have an spigotmc account:
EDIT: I was on your server, but there was no RPGHealth. Do you have another one?
Awesome plugin, used this for a while and I loved it :D
Thanks, i like to see videos about our plugin, but your video is private.
EDIT: Ok, i have watched it and left a comment.
I made a review of your plugin. Hope you'll put it in your info area somewhere. https://youtu.be/9Ji33Q8T9HI
With pleasure ;)
Thanks for the awesome plugin, totally adds a whole new level of immersion to the game's combat system.
Yeah, i have already seen this, but before i will embed this in the plugin description, check your PMs ;)
We love your plugin so we decided to create a video to showcase its features, feel free to use it on your plugin info area: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6qY-chKMcM
I wrote you a PM.
i disagree. if you cant do it, add it please, i had this exact plugin on my old server a year ago and i could set it higher or lower than the max. i want players only to go up to 40 hp but i want to be able to set mine higher with the command
You canĀ“t set hp higher than max-hp.
i want the max hp to be 40 but i want to be able to set my hp higher (i could do this on older versions) how can i accomplish this?
Try to remove the config and let it regenerate.
Ok, well I tried to do that and I kinda messed up the config to where it wont work, so i uninstalled it and reinstalled the plugin and now wont work. Are there any plugins that this ISNT ok with or NEEDS more dependency to work?