Installing the plugin #36

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Assigned to _ForgeUser8407792
  • _ForgeUser11216489 created this issue May 8, 2013

    When reporting a bug please follow these guidelines or the problem might not be resolved.

    1. Please start your title with: Your subject.
    Subject = RPG-NPC doesn't work when it's in the plugins folder it does not show up or load in the server
    2. Add the version of your Bukkit server. ("/version" ingame)
    git-bukkit-1.5.2-R0.1-1g53734d2-b2774jnks (MC: 1.5.2) (implementing API version 1.5.2-R0.2-SNAPSHOT)
    3. Add the version of the plugin.
    RPG-NPC v2.2.6.1
    4. What steps will reproduce the problem?
         1. ...I have no idea how to install the program
         2. ...I did the essentials package and it worked but NPC didn't
         3. ...I need help

    5. Add the whole error the console gives you. (if it involves one)

    6. Add the Quest from the Yaml (if it involves one)

    7. Any further comments?
    Please help
    8. List of plugins you are running. (Optional)

  • _ForgeUser11216489 added the tags New Other May 8, 2013

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