RPG Missions

RPG Missions

Basic Idea:

You ever wanted to create and play your own quests in Minecraft?! This is the right plugin for you! With this plugin you can create your own quests, add tasks to them and create a NPC as the mission's host. In addition you can add rewards to the quests that a player will receive when he finishes the quest.


- Create missions
- Create NPCs as a mission's host
- Add tasks to a mission with a specific task type("collecttask", "killtask" )
- Add rewards to a mission, with custom nam, lore and enchantment
- The mission's npc is full interactive
- Every player can enable a Scoreboard called Missionboard, it shows all current tasks from a player
- More features will be added in the future!


- /ms = Gives you a list of all commands
- /ms createmission <Mission name> = Creates a mission with the given name(You can use "_" in the name it will change to space ;) )
- /ms removemission <mission id> = Removes a mission by id
- /ms createnpc <mission id> <npc name> = Creates a npc for the given mission and name at your position
- /ms removenpc <mission id> = Removes the npc for the given mission
- /ms addtask <mission id> <task type> = Adds a tasks to the given mission
- /ms removetask <mission id> <task id> = Removes a task from a mission
- /ms addreward <mission id> = Adds a reward to the mission
- /ms removereward <mission id> <item id> = Removes a reward from a mission
- /ms listmissions = List all available missions
- /ms listtasks = Lists your current tasks
- /ms listtasks <mission id> = List all tasks for the given mission
- /ms board = Enables/Disables your Missionboard
- /ms cancel <mission id> = Cancels a specific mission


To gain full access you need the permission:
- "ms.admin"

To auto enable Missionboard on join:
- "ms.auto.board"

Some Information

This plugin uses Java 8. So if you get an error like this "Unsupported Class Version", you should update your Java 7 to Java 8.

Minecraft 1.7.* - 1.8


This plugin is still in development! I need your ideas to make it even more better!
So comment what I should improve or what feature you want to have in the next releases! ;)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Oct 16, 2014
  • Last Released File
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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