RoyalCommands v5.2.3
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UploadedOct 8, 2024
Size1.15 MB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.21
Note: This build requires Java 21, as it's built for 1.21.1
The next minor release is ready! We've been hard at work making further improvements
- Updated for 1.21.1
- Lots of little under the hood improvements (check the commits for context)
- Support for both sides for action signs
Known Issues
/attribute list/remove
commands are broken (in terms of displaying) attribute names/trade
commands will not work for versions below 1.21 [use 5.2.1]/map
commands may misbehave after a server restart. We're still looking into why- From 5.0.0: Combining with ProtocolLib may cause Ender Chests to have invisible contents