

Config File

After running RoyalChat on your server once, a new file called config.yml will be in [your minecraft folder]/plugins/RoyalChat/. This is where you'll be able to change the chat format.

By default, it looks like this:

chat-format: '{prefix}{group}{suffix} {dispname}&f: {message}'
me-format: '&d * &b{dispname}&d {message}'
say-format: '&d[Server] {message}'
first-word-capital: false
highlight-at-user: true
smoke-at-user: true
highlight-urls: true


In chat-format, you can use several different variables. They are as follows:

  • {prefix} - Permissions prefix
  • {suffix} - Permissions suffix
  • {group} - Permissions group
  • {name} - Name of the player
  • {dispname} - Display name of the player (set by /nick in Essentials, etc)
  • {message} - Message sent by the player
  • {townyprefix} - The prefix (e.g. Hermit, etc.) set by Towny
  • {townysuffix} - The postfix set by Towny
  • {townytitle} - The title set by a nation in Towny
  • {townysurname} - The surname set by a nation in Towny
  • {townytown} - The town name of the player
  • {townynation} - The nation name of the player

All Towny variables are for v0.0.4 and above

Custom Config

The chat format is very versatile. In fact, you could even do something like this:

chat-format: '"{message}&f," says {dispname}&f.'

Note that you must escape single-quotes with a backslash.

Yes, RoyalChat does support color codes &a-f and 0-9.

All of this applies to me-format & say-format as well.


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