myRPG v2.3
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UploadedMar 22, 2014
Size401.32 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.7.2-R0.3
Version 2.3
This version is unsupported! Latest file!
Ready to use latest Beta Craftbukkit Build!
This plugin is developed with the Craftbukkit Build 1.7.2-R0.3 !
- fix ability commands
- fix quest counter
- add warning message to chat errors
- fix priest / quester click bug
- change territory management (coleaders and leaders can manage territories now)
- fix WorldGuard region bug
- fix block place lag
- fix guild commands / book / territory
- add repeatable quests
- add territory price in config!
- Improved code design !!!
- add option to disable death effect
- add permissions to race/class
- you can bind skills to any item now
- add GROUP and WORLD to chat format (removed MESSAGES)
- change player's file organisation
- use data and amounts for items (example: POTION:8289#32 , for 32 regeneration potion)
- improve trader inventory
- immense bugfix
- add new commands:
- npc copy command
- myrpg addexp command
- ability commands
- territory commands
- Guild:
- add guild territory
- add ranks: Recruit, Member, Officer, CoLeader, Leader
- Trader is buggy but usable.
Please use the ticket system to report bugs or errors !