myRPG v0.8 ALPHA
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UploadedOct 4, 2012
Size98.46 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.2-R1.0
Version v.0.7.2
myRPG 0.7
myQuest 0.5
This is a ALPHA version of the plugin !
You can now set the full gear of a npc !
You can set the Item he bears!
The helmet he wears..
The chestplate he wears..
The leggings he wears..
The boots he wars..
All this works about the command "/mynpc gear <hand/helmet/chestplate/leggings/boots> <item>
<item> is the Item ID or the Name (like DIAMOND_SWORD) of the Item the npc should wear !
Gear will not be loaded when the server reloads.
So you have to set it every time again that it is visible in the game.
If you put something like DIAMOND_WORD for the <item> parameter there occurs an error !
Will be fixed in the beta.
Could throw some "low" NullpointerExceptions !
I please you to send me these Exception then I fix them.
Your server could crash with this version so be careful !