myRPG v0.7.1 - BETA
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UploadedSep 23, 2012
Size93.59 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.3.2-R0.1
Version v.0.7.1
myRPG 0.7
myNPC 0.7
myQuest 0.5
Bugfix in myNPC:
- You don't need a permission to right click a npc!
- Admins can see now the Quests/Teleport-Target-Name of a npc by right click
- You can't add two times the same quest to one npc
no more known Problems with PermissionsEx !
The Level <> Group System only works with GroupManager and PermissionsEx. (PermLevel)
The Admins who don't use GM or Pex can use the Plugin just without the Perm Level System
No known caveats !
Please tell us Bugs you found !