Have you ever spent hours in a mine, filling your inventory with precious ores, and then had to go home to empty your inventory? Well, I know this is very annoying, as it is very hard to find the place again.
What this plugin actually does, is that it allows you to open your home chest (or double-chest) from remote, whenever you want. So it's some kind of enderchest you can open with a command, but with a larger inventory (if you use double-chest), and you can use it even when your enderchest is full.
- open your chest from remote, with a simple command
- permission support
- seamless integration with LWC (you can only select chest belonging to you or with no protection. However, if an unprotected chest you have selected becomes becomes protected by someone else, you'll loose access to it)
Just place the jar in your plugins folder and reload/restart the server
There are a few simple commands:
- /rmc - displays some info about the plugin
- /rmc select - select the chest you want to use (if you have LWC installed, the chest must be yours or unprotected)
- /rmc open - open the chest from remote
- rmc.use: allows the use of /rmc select and /rmc open.
Just comment or post tickets to request new features, and I'll add them if possible.
If you use this plugin on your server, please let me know by posting bellow. Thanks!
Hi! I'm planning to realease anm update soon with database support and some new features such as sharing your chest with others.