If the log says "[RideThaMob] WARINING:Failed to register the custom Entitys! You cant control the Entitys with the wasd keys now! Please make sure your are running the right Bukkit version(version) if you want to use the wasd mode!" make sure you use the right bukkit version. If you want a version of this plugin for your bukkit version pls pn me
What does this plugin
The plugin is very simple
It let you ride mobs!
And you can fly with theses mobs!
All u have to do is to get near a mob/player (10 blocks) and type in the chat /rtm.
And you will ride this mob/player!
If you like to control the mob/player just type in /rtm control.
Then you can control the mob/player with the wasd keys and the spacebar!
If you like to ride faster type in /rtm speed and you will ride faster!
If you want to fly with your mob/player type in /rtm fly and your mob/player will fly in the direction you are pointing at.
Another cool feature is that you can activate the nyan mode if you are on a sheep.
Just type in /rtm nyan. And then the color of your sheep will change rapidly.
ridethamob.mob.* : Allows you to ride on all mobs
ridethamob.mob.sheep: Allows you to ride on one spezific mob
ridethamob.control : Allows you to control mobs/players with the wasd keys
ridethamob.player.* : Allows you to ride on all players
ridethamob.player.MiniDigger : Allows you to ride on one spezific player
ridethamob.speed: Allows you to use the speed mode
ridethamob.nyan: Allows you to use the nyan mode
ridethamob.updater: Allows you to use the updater (v1.3.0)
ridethamob.fly: Allows you to use the fly mode (v.1.3.2)
For more information see this page
/rtm: Ride the next entity you are allowed to ride
/rtm control: Toggles control mode
/rtm speed: Toggles speed mode
/rtm nyan: Toggles nyan mode
/rtm fly: Toggles fly mode(v1.3.2)
/rtm update: Updates the plugin (v1.3.0)
All informations for localization support (upcomming in v1.3.10) can be shown on this page
Ride on Players (v0.6)
Adjustable speed (v0.5)
Fix the bugs with enderdragons and giants
Stop spamming the consol with "... moved too quickly!" (v1.3.2)
AntiCheat compatibility
Only ride on mobs, not on items :D (v0.4)
Prevend bats from doing strange thinks...
Let the dragon shoot fireballs (v1.3.2)
Control the mobs with wasd (v1.3.*)
Let the mob you are riding attack other entitys, control who will be attacked by movement
If you have anything to add here post it below
Some links
The source of the plugin is available here
DevBuilds are available here (thanks @graywolf336)
Stats are provided by mcstats.com
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
If you wish to disable this feature (/me cries), you can do so by opt-ing out, which you can do in the config file under /plugins/PluginMetrics/
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'check_for_updates' to false in the plugins' settings file.
awesome to see a reply already bud :) just wondering, i just added ridethamob.mob.* and ridethamob.control and did /rtm and /rtm control but i cant control this sheep im riding atm :S also, there a way to stop the player from going inside blocks and being hurt? i just added this plugin to my server like 5 mins ago so i will keep lookin into it all.
I wondered how fast the approvment was, since many team members left bukkit. Happy to see you loving this project
very happy to see this plugin updated and excited to try it on my server :) ty!
I will look into that. Maybe later this night if nothing destorys my plans
Well that was easy. Since the jenkins seems to be broken you can get a dev build here. Use it at your own risk. (bla bla bla...) I will submit the file after some testing. If you find an problem, please tell me here.
I'll look into it. Should be not that much of a problem since there is no real spigot for 1.8. It's just 1.7.10 with a protocol hack.
Update to 1.8 spigot?
I am sorry. I am not a native english speaker, so it is quite hard for me to do all this stuff. If you found an error, tell me, so that I can fix it. If you found an error in the plugin itselfs, you can fix it by your self. http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/ridethamob/localization/enUS/
and could you make it so if you went like /rtb sheep or like select one that way when you shift the mob / entity will auto disappear
oh ok u can already lol
can u make it so u can go like /rtm cow or like any mob you want ?
yes there is. The plugins checks for ridethamob.mob.<entityType> Click here for a list of all entity types
is it a perm for each mob?
I don't think, that this us possible, since pressing shift while riding automaticly throw you off of the entity
Seems to work, thanks!
Small feature request: I doubt this is possible, but if it is and it's not too difficult, perhaps you could add the ability to hold your position on a vertical surface while riding a spider by pressing shift, the way you can hold your position on a ladder or a vine?
The should be fine. If you find an error in the translation (I am not a nativ english speaker) or your language isn't translated feel free to contribute here.
Thanks MiniDigger! I grabbed build 22, and deployed here. The plugin now seems to load OK! I will next test out riding mobs and see if those messages are being handled correctly.
@coremania @Typical_Name The latest dev build includes a new localization suport, using dbo's localization feature and external message files. This should fix the YAML errors. You can get a snapshot here (build #19 and above) I will submit the file after some testing. If you get any errors, pls report them here
@Typical_Name you have the save error as @coremania there is an unallowed char in the config. Seems like the config is cinda broken in this release. Try to delete the german translation, which seems to cause the error. Will release a new file soon
Hi MiniDigger, I used vim to hunt around in the config.yml, and found instances of those banned chars in the DE messages that are commented out. I deleted those lines, but the error remains.