If the log says "[RideThaMob] WARINING:Failed to register the custom Entitys! You cant control the Entitys with the wasd keys now! Please make sure your are running the right Bukkit version(version) if you want to use the wasd mode!" make sure you use the right bukkit version. If you want a version of this plugin for your bukkit version pls pn me
What does this plugin
The plugin is very simple
It let you ride mobs!
And you can fly with theses mobs!
All u have to do is to get near a mob/player (10 blocks) and type in the chat /rtm.
And you will ride this mob/player!
If you like to control the mob/player just type in /rtm control.
Then you can control the mob/player with the wasd keys and the spacebar!
If you like to ride faster type in /rtm speed and you will ride faster!
If you want to fly with your mob/player type in /rtm fly and your mob/player will fly in the direction you are pointing at.
Another cool feature is that you can activate the nyan mode if you are on a sheep.
Just type in /rtm nyan. And then the color of your sheep will change rapidly.
ridethamob.mob.* : Allows you to ride on all mobs
ridethamob.mob.sheep: Allows you to ride on one spezific mob
ridethamob.control : Allows you to control mobs/players with the wasd keys
ridethamob.player.* : Allows you to ride on all players
ridethamob.player.MiniDigger : Allows you to ride on one spezific player
ridethamob.speed: Allows you to use the speed mode
ridethamob.nyan: Allows you to use the nyan mode
ridethamob.updater: Allows you to use the updater (v1.3.0)
ridethamob.fly: Allows you to use the fly mode (v.1.3.2)
For more information see this page
/rtm: Ride the next entity you are allowed to ride
/rtm control: Toggles control mode
/rtm speed: Toggles speed mode
/rtm nyan: Toggles nyan mode
/rtm fly: Toggles fly mode(v1.3.2)
/rtm update: Updates the plugin (v1.3.0)
All informations for localization support (upcomming in v1.3.10) can be shown on this page
Ride on Players (v0.6)
Adjustable speed (v0.5)
Fix the bugs with enderdragons and giants
Stop spamming the consol with "... moved too quickly!" (v1.3.2)
AntiCheat compatibility
Only ride on mobs, not on items :D (v0.4)
Prevend bats from doing strange thinks...
Let the dragon shoot fireballs (v1.3.2)
Control the mobs with wasd (v1.3.*)
Let the mob you are riding attack other entitys, control who will be attacked by movement
If you have anything to add here post it below
Some links
The source of the plugin is available here
DevBuilds are available here (thanks @graywolf336)
Stats are provided by mcstats.com
This plugin utilises Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to mcstats.org:
A unique identifier
The server's version of Java
Whether the server is in offline or online mode
The plugin's version
The server's version
The OS version/name and architecture
The core count for the CPU
The number of players online
The Metrics version
If you wish to disable this feature (/me cries), you can do so by opt-ing out, which you can do in the config file under /plugins/PluginMetrics/
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting 'check_for_updates' to false in the plugins' settings file.
Yeah, pretty nice plugin. But there are a few things i would like to see.
1. Th mobs arent rotating with the player so fix that
2. Support for using Poison Effect on Mobs for make them faster or give the jump boost (if its already there tell me cause i have deleted my server and before i remake the server i need to know this)
3. (this is very situational but i need it) if somebody kills my mob im riding on i should die and the killer of the mob gets the kill
4.(again, currently i have no server so i cant test it now so correct me) squids conrols like flight but underwater
If everything is implemented i give you all my money. Sadly im a student and dont have money.
This should be in the spigot forum but i would like it more if its for spigot.
controlling mobs doesn't seem to work in 1.11.2
I am actively working on the recode again and I take feature requests. if anyone has an idea what this plugin should include be sure to let me know!
Features currently implemented:
Features on the ToDo list:
Dev builds are not working :/
I am currently working on an recode for spigot 1.8.8. This is something I could include, it just made it onto my todo list ;)
Can you make a command to spawn a mob ad ride it at the same time, for expample, you do the comand /rtm pig and you start riding a pig
Please update for spigot 1.8 or 1.8.3.
i dont see any errors in the console its just the controlling of the mob that stops working even when i do /rtm control a bunch more times to turn it off and back on i notice changing jars to a different one and back to 1.7.9 makes it work again for a short while until it breaks again. (controlling mobs)
update for spigot 1.8??:)
I plan on rewriting this for spigot 1.8, with much more custimumazation and hopefully you don't have that ploblems then.
In reply to MiniDigger:
another thing... changing speed in the config doesnt seem to change it in game id like to slow it down to about half of what it is at default
im using 1.3.11 on bukkit 1.7.10
is this like a trial version of the mod or something? i have to change my jars constantly to get the plugin working again and dont want to continue doing that. im using the plugin on 1.7.10 bukkit, and it works fine for about an hour, but then controlling mobs stops working and i find out that switching jars to 1.7.9 then back to 1.7.10 will get everything working fine again is this a clue to what the issue could be
and is there any way i can shoot a bow and arrow while rtm? arrows seem to just fall to feet when shot in rtm mode
can we rtm in water somehow?? i hate accidentally going into water and having to find another mob or push that one back to land..
@broluigi most likely you are using the wrong Plugin Version for your Server Version. If that is the case the Plugin prints an error in startup indicating that you can't controller the mobs with the wasd keys.
the rdm control does nothing, am i doing it wrong?
the wierdest thing just happened.. i changed to spigot 1.7.10 and it worked, and then changed back to what i was using before (1.8) and it works now there too!? ! :P
well, im using latest build you just posted, and im using spigot 1.8... and can i disable suffocation or damage caused from being inside a block? whatever that is
I reply that fast cause you are spamming my inbox which makes a sound :D Do you have the right plugin version for your server version installed? The problem with the blocks if caused by minecraft, I don't really see a way avoiding this apart from giving the player 'ridethamob.god' which prevents the player from being damaged when riding.