
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


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Ever wanted to own and ride a Enderdragon? Now you can!


/dragon - To buy a dragon or, if you already own one, ride on it.

/dragon locate - To locate your dragon with a compass.

/dragon remove - To remove your own dragon.

/dragon spawn - To spawn a wild dragon.

/dragon removeall - To remove all dragons in all worlds. WARNING: Use this only in case of emergency.

/dragon removeall world - To remove all dragons in the world "world".

/dragon speed X.Y - To set the speed of rided dragons to X.Y - Please note that I don't recommend setting values below 0.9. Higher values may even crash your server! Also note that a player can feed the dragon to get a max of +1.0 speed. You have been warned!

/dragon height X - To set the min. height for dragons to X in the world you're in.

/dragon height world name X - To set the min. height for dragons to X in the world "world name".

/dragon protect (world name) - To completely protect the world you are in (or "world name", if given) from dragons destroying/flying into blocks!

/dragon WorldGuard - To prevent dragons from flying into WorldGuard regions. Disabled by default!

/dragon BananaRegion - To prevent dragons from flying into BananaRegion regions. Disabled by default!

/dragon towny - To prevent dragons from flying into towns. Disabled by default!

/dragon residence - To prevent dragons from flying into Residence regions. Disabled by default!

/dragon factions - To prevent dragons from flying into Factions regions. Disabled by default!

/dragon cost X - To set the price to summon a dragon to X. 0 to disable dragon costs. This will only work if your server runs with Vault!

/dragon texture http://www.example.com/dragon.png - To change the URL for the texture (you need the SpoutPlugin and Spoutcraft to see the texture) to http://www.example.com/dragon.png - The link has to be accessible for the public.

/dragon owntexture http://www.example.com/owndragon.png - To change the URL for the texture (you need the SpoutPlugin and Spoutcraft to see the texture) to http://www.example.com/owndragon.png - The link has to be accessible for the public.

Please note that all protective commands only work for summoned dragons!

/Update RideThaDragon - to update this plugin. Have a look here for more information.

Permissions (superPerms)

ridetha.dragon - To use the /dragon command. Defaults to all.

ridetha.admin - To use the /dragon subcommands. Defaults to op.

ridetha.locate - To use /dragon locate. Defaults to all.

ridetha.remove - To use /dragon remove. Defaults to all.

ridetha.inv - To be able to look into the your dragon inventory. Defaults to all.

ridetha.allinvs - To be able to look in every dragon inventory. Defaults to op.

ridetha.shoot - To be able to shoot fireballs with left-clicking. Defaults to op.

autoupdate.announce - Users with this node will be notified about new updates. Defaults to op.

autoupdate.update.ridethadragon - Users with this node will be able to use /update this plugin. Defaults to op.

for more information about the autoupdate nodes have a look here.

Dragon control

Controlling your dragon is simple: Look in the direction you want it to fly.

Use the sneaking key to toggle the parking brake.

Since v4.0 you can control the dragon with the arrow keys! For that to work the server needs the SpoutPlugin and the player Spoutcraft. Both is completely optional.

Since v5.0 you can let your dragon shoot a fireball with a left click while riding on it.

Dragon inventory

Since v5.0 each dragon has a inventory. To access it simply right click your dragon!

Dragon feeding

To make your dragon temporary faster right click it with a golden apple in your hand. Every apple will give +0.1 speed (max: +1.0 speed).


Thanks to Danither for making this video!

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