


  • Rewards for killing mobs
  • Rewards for crafting and smelting items
  • Rewards for voting
  • Rewards for mining blocks
  • Bonus rewards for killing mobs with armor
  • Bonus rewards for mining blocks with enchanted tools
  • Rewards for killing mobs are split between all players who helped to kill the mob
  • Rewards for voting a certain number of times
  • Rewards for mining/crafting/smelting blocks/items with metadata
  • Support for rare item rewards with percentages
  • Support for permission rewards
  • Support for broadcasting messages to the server and sending messages to the player as rewards


RewardsTime is a plugin that provides players with custom rewards for voting/killing mobs/crafting/smelting/mining. It allows players to receive economy, item and experience rewards. It also provides a bonus rewards system which supports bonus economy rewards for killing mobs with armor and mining blocks with enchanted tools. Players are notified every five minutes of the economy rewards they have received.

The rewards can be changed in the config or by using the ingame command "/rewardstime". You will probably want to change the rewards when you install the plugin as the default rewards may not work for your server.

The plugin keeps track of how many times each player has voted and can provide additional rewards for voting a certain number of times.


  • This plugin requires Vault for economy rewards. Download vault here
  • This plugin requires Votifier for vote rewards
  • This plugin only works with Minecraft 1.7.8 and 1.7.9 due to its use of the new player UUIDs


There are comments in the config to help you to change it. If you use the commands to edit it ingame, the comments get removed.


The plugin uses one command: /rewardstime Commands are:

/rewardstime reloadReloads the config
/rewardstime fieldEdits a field in the config. Checks to see if the change is valid
/rewardstime configEdits anything on the config.
/rewardstime rewardsDisplays recent economy rewards immediately to the player who issued the command


Permissions are:

rewardstime.commandEnables the user to do /rewardstimetrue
rewardstime.setEnables the user to change values in the config using /rewardstime field and /rewardstime configop
rewardstime.getEnables the user to view values in the config using /rewardstime field and /rewardstime configop
rewardstime.reloadEnables the user to reload the config using /rewardstime reloadop
rewardstime.rewardsEnables the user to recieve rewards and use /rewardstime rewardstrue

Plugin Metrics

This plugin utilizes Hidendra's plugin metrics system, which means that the following information is collected and sent to

  • A unique identifier
  • The server's version of Java
  • Whether the server is in offline or online mode
  • The plugin's version
  • The server's version
  • The OS version/name and architecture
  • The core count for the CPU
  • The number of players online
  • The Metrics version

Opting out of this service can be done by editing plugins/Plugin Metrics/config.yml and changing opt-out to true.

Source Code

Source code is available here:


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