Residence is different from most protection plugins in that it aims for the users to be able to protect their own homes without having to bother the admin to do it. Residence has support for a variety of different protection types including preventing movement through areas, all of which can be configured by the land owner, and limited by the admin.
- Vault: Vault
- Spigot Page: Spigot Page
- GitHub Source: GitHub
- IRC discussion channel: irc://
- Dynmap Residence - Dynmap plugin that shows residences on the webmap.
- ResExtras - Control snow, ice, animals, mobs, and more within a residence.
- Residence Fly - Controls flying within a residence. Leaving will cause a player to fall.
- Residence Signs - Easy buying/selling/renting with signs.
- ResTown - Controls which users can build outside of a residence.
- ResProtect - Protects animals via flags
- ResCreative - Grants creative on entering a residence.
- ResPerm - Adds additional permissions to a player on residence change.
- SimpleClansResidence - Integrates Residence and SimpleClans
- Flags - Apparently adds flags or something
Want your addon listed here? Contact a developer via PM.
Past Contributors
- smbarbour (Code)
- inorixu (Code)
- lemon42 (Code)
- Daniel Few (Wiki)
- Linaks (Residence Logo)
- SirHedgehog (Code)
- GSValore (Code)
- Samkio (Wiki Video)
- JustinGuy (Code)
- Tonkovich (Code)
Support has been turned over to Dart21 and his branch, any questions should be directed to him
I think you should find someone to help out on the documentation on the wiki. All the essential information is there, but it's not as organised as it can be. I'm browsing around for permissions nodes, but I can't find a "complete list" anywhere.
Or you could make a "permissions" page on the wiki and put all the permissions nodes on there, along with a short description of each.
Also, does the "build" flag cancel out placing/destroying non-living entities, such as paintings, boats, and minecarts? If it doesn't, I feel that it would be an important addition to make (rather than requesting it as an extra flag on ResExtras). If the plugin already does that, then the documentation was a bit unclear.
Thanks for this plugin by the way! Despite the fact that some people complain there's too many commands, it's more than made up for by its sheer flexibility and potential (unlike most other protection plugins).
Minimum sizes? sure, thanks for reminding me. And yes, if you use the same wand for both, as a temporary measure you will need the worldedit worldedit.selection.pos perm.
I'm having issues with selecting with the wand since the "666" as well, even as OP. It will select correctly one time. After that any selections I make will still be the same as the first selection I made when I do /res select cost. I can still /res select x y z though. I tried deleting the config but no change.
Can I leave a residence because on a cool server i payed for a job at a guys shop and I can't swich levers and stuff at the store and my minecraft dad his res was griefed and I lived with him and now I dont want to be in his residence please help! (I payed 3000 minecraft dollars to work there)
Thanks, huhug3
TOOTHPlCK1, so we need to give them worldedit.selection.pos to allow of users to create residences? Also, will you add minimum size of residence. I really need it. I asked you for that before and you said you will add it, but this was before few months.
How i can create my Admin to have 2 more residence than normal Player?
Sorry for my English :(
If you give them permission to the world edit wand itself it should work... I had to make this temporary change as there are issues where residence selection was messing up world edit selection when they were using the same tool. I will be attempting to fix those issues, but in the meantime, they need wand permissions(although they do not need any of the other ones that would let them actually change stuff) to worldedit if you wish to use the smae tool for both
I am pretty sure there is one "" right now...
Could we get a "" permission node? This could be helpful for staff that do not have "residence.admin", but have the /tp command.
Thanks :)
The problem is, when we were running Residence, players with the residence.create permission could create. They didn't need any WorldEdit permissions. Now, players cannot select areas with the handaxe tool anymore, and nothing changed on my server except for the Residence version, which was updated to I, with residence.admin, can still do everything as normal.
What has changed, and what are we supposed to be doing differently now? Was a new permission node added somewhere for selecting?
EDIT: I'd also like to point out that no WorldEdit permissions have changed across any of the groups on my server, so why they could select before and can't now, makes no sense to me.
Thanks for the quick response! If there is only group based limits then is there a way to set it up so that players in World A are assigned to Group A with a max of 10 residences they can build and then when they go to World B they automatically get assigned to Group B which would only have a max of 1 residence they can build?
So I have to give the players a right to worldedit and then it will go the hatchet?
Okay, but the players are used to the ax, which does not: ( Dobře, ale hráči jsou zvyklí na sekyrku, která nejde :(
No, because residences are world independent, you can create single residence and cover multiple worlds, because area define world, not residence. For example "spawn" residence, and cover every spawn on every world. So only group based limit. (at least that how i remember it)
Is there a way to set the max number of residences per world? I see the maxresidences: in the config but I want one world to only be able to have 1 max and one world to have 10. Thanks!
Residence uses the WorldEdit selection manager in the event both are installed and they share the same tool.
I'm pretty sure most other protection-related plugins see attacking wolves as a form of PvP... if they're tamed, that is.
It would be helpful if you could test it on wild wolves and tamed wolves. If it affects all wolves, it's probably a bug. If it affects only tamed wolves, it's probably not a bug.
I have noticed that dog is marked as PVP and to kill it I need to enable PVP flag. Is that a bug?
Change it to something else.
Zmeň to na niečo iné. Ja mam napríklad drevenú lopatu.
Hi, I have a problem after the update worldedit and residence. Residence was not hatchet mark, just a different subject, but if you change the config object to an ax and marking residence does not work.