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UploadedFeb 19, 2013
Size266.81 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.4.7-R1.0
- Fix explosions near res's
- Fix custom blocks in config
- Fix necromancy in healing res's
- Removed caching
- Changed internal storage of residences
- Fixed bugs relating to new internal storage(from alpha's)
- Implement more stable saving system
- Implement save backup system
- Added residence.select flag
- Implement performance enchancing simple caching system
- Updated to 1.4.5
- Removed final override of setEnabled
- Updated to 1.4.2
- Wither Protection
- Event listener priority's changed
- Item Frame Protection
- New useable blocks added to use flag
- Bat spawning added to ANimals flag
- Explosions in proximity to res's are handled correctly
- Fixed trample flag again... For realz
- Fixed a few resadmin related bugs
- Code cleanup
- Fixed bug with world flags not being overridden by group world flags
- Fixed double chests at edge of res's being susceptible to explosions outside of res
- Code cleanup
- Fixed bug with Move flag
- Added Czech Translation
- Rewrote Explosion listener
- Rewrote piston extension/contraction listener
- Heavy optimization on listeners
- Added check on spawn event for Move perms in spawn location
- Tnt exploding next to a Residence with tnt set to false no longer damages the edge blocks of the Residence(likewise for creeper)
- World edit selections now auto imported when using same selection tool
- Added "explode" flag which protects from tnt, creepers, and fireballs. flag is superceded by tnt, creeper, and fireball
- Added "fireball" flag which protects from fireballs.
- Fixed bug when using Vault and superperms
- Added Brazilian translation
- Moved command listener to its own class
- Chopped up command listener for easier readability
- Made setowner, remove and confirm commands available to console user
- Fixed /resreload command
- Added /res compass RESNAME command, points compass to indicated Residence
- Added ResidenceRenameEvent
- Made residence.create permission override config options for create.
- Fixed Trample flag
- "build" flag now allows/disallows planting cocoa beans on jungle trees
- Large code cleanup
- Improvements to custom flag API
- ATTENTION SERVER OPERATORS: You will need to add new flags(not flag groups) to the config in order for your users to use them IMPORTANT NOTE: Ghast fireballs are now handled by the "fireball" flag, no longer by the "tnt" flag.
- Fixed and reimplemented world edit selection integration
- Fixed bug where move event errors occurred after deleting a residence
- Moved off of deprecated PlayerChatEvent to AsyncPlayerChatEvent
- Removed errors from invalid characters in language files on startup
- Fixed various bugs and errors
- Enderpearl teleporting is now protected by "move" flag
- Dragon eggs are now protected by "use"
- Added "egg" flag to supersede "use"
- Added "bucket" flag to "trusted" macro flag
- All supported language files generate and update when out of date.
- ResAdmin status is toggle-able by those with residence.admin permission
- Updated German translation by webnews2
- Added IronGolems, SnowGolems, and Ocelots to "Animals" flag
- Cleaned up and fixed "move" flag.
- Cleaned up residence healing
- Removed world seed check from save files
- Painting break and place now overridden by resadmin
- Fence gates and nether fence gates now protected by both "door" and "use" flags
- Removed mob combustion from "ignite" and put it in it's own flag "burn"
- Bonemealing grass now prevented/allowed via "build" flag(Thankyou tonkovich)
- WorldEdit selection will no longer set when the Residence selection changes until we find a fix for it, as that was what was causing selection bug.
- Fixed selection bug for now
- ATTENTION SERVER OPERATORS: You will need to add new flags(not flag groups) to the config in order for your users to use them, though they are nonessential.
- Added Hungarian and German translations, and fixed some problems with the Spanish and Chinese translations
- Fixed market command help, including sub commands
- Fixed several message bugs involving sub-zones
- Fixed NoResHere message appearing when using string
- Added the corner of residence coordinates to /res info
- Cake, noteblocks, pressure plates, and diodes are now protected by "<use>"
- New fields added to language files, Servers using custom language files will need to update.
- The "<container>" flag now protects jukeboxes
- The "<build>" flag now allows/denies crop trampling
- Added flags to supersede "use" when present: "diode", "brew", "table", "door", "enchant", "bed", "button", "lever", "cake", "pressure", "note"
- Added flag macros:"<redstone>" (button, diode, lever, pressure), "<craft"> (brew, table, enchant)
- Added flag: "trample" When present overrides build perms to allow/deny trampling of crops
- Added all new flag information to language files for /res flags ?
- ATTENTION SERVER OPERATORS: You will need to add new flags(not flag groups) to the config in order for your users to use them, though they are nonessential.
- Fix null pointer exception when using WorldEdit selection.
- Missing WorldEdit on startup no longer breaks the plugin
- Spanish, Chinese translations added (#197)
- Python scripts are now included in the Jar
- Added a "trusted" flag
- Group settings can now be mirrored in the config.
- Made residence select commands query World Edit for coordinates first when worldedit is enabled
- Fix cross world teleport causing errors in console (fixes #186)
- MyWorlds now loads before Residence
- Mod support provided via block ID lists in config.yml
- WorldEdit selection will now be set when the Residence selection changes
- "/res select residence" will now use your current location to fill in the residence and area names if not specified.
- Color code string literals changed to ChatColor calls for improved code readability
- French translation added
- Splash potions will be nullified on players in residences where pvp is false
- Enchantment Tables are now in the "use" list.
- Added selection using WorldEdit
- Define an area using WorldEdit, then use "/res select worldedit"
- Tested using CB 1.2.5-R1.0 but should work with any 1.2.x build.
- Fixed Delay caused by permission check
- Fixed PlayerInteractEvent delay
- Add "Brewing Stand" to "use" flag
- No longer built-in support: IConomy4 MineConomy
- Updated built-in support: RealEconomy 1.11,bPermissions 2.9.1
- Fixed Enderman protection.
- Fixed ResidenceSigns v0.3,EssentialsECO supported
- Now Permission groups correctly match.
- UTF-8 support for config file
- Updated built in max selection height to be 255
- Fix some issues with newer CB builds.
- Update custom events to new event system
- Update to use new bukkit event system.
- Fixed a selection bug allowing selection beyond world above/below limits.
- Added missing language text for warning when selection was going above/below limits (it was hard coded before, in language file now).
- Fix a couple rare null pointer exceptions.
When using the same wand in both residence and worldedit, your selection mode is stuck in cuboid