Development builds of this project can be acquired at the provided continuous integration server. These builds have not been approved by the BukkitDev staff. Use them at your own risk.
Commands & Permissions | Follow my progress on Trello | IRC: #ReportRTS (
ReportRTS stands for Report - Realtime Ticket System, it is designed to be a easy to use and feature rich support system.
- Supports multi-server setups using BungeeCord.
- Uses MySQL, this allows you to easily display information from the database.
- "Caches" open tickets to reduce access time.
To determine popularity of versions, features, and lingering usage, plugin installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system and forwarded to for analysis. Basic server information (Version, player count used) is tracked. If you don't want to help or are paranoid, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set opt-out to true.
Does not collect data at all. Simply used to retrieve a player's UUID from Mojang's API if he does not have one in the database prior to ReportRTS version 1.2.0.
Version checking
By default ReportRTS checks for ReportRTS updates, you can disable this by setting versionCheck to false in the configuration.
Maven repository
<repository> <id>projectinfinity-repo</id> <name>ProjectInfinity repository</name> <url></url> </repository> <dependency> <groupId>com.nyancraft.reportrts</groupId> <artifactId>ReportRTS</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> </dependency>
Support me!
Why support me?
All the more motivation to continue work on this project. During it's two years of existence I have received a total of $270 and promises that never saw the light of day.
Say if I have spent a total of 500 (this is an example number, in reality it is much higher and just keeps increasing) hours working on this project. That gives me a total of $0.54 an hour, compare this to the average wage of a McDonalds worker in the US which is $7.81. Had they worked 500 hours they would have made $3905.
If you find that this project has helped you, please consider donating to this project.
You forgot to rename the title form "Requests" to "Tickets":
also, the help cmd isn't updated yet.
I see it now under caveats which is all the way at the bottom under all the version numbers. you could at least bold this in a minor version update at the TOP of the changelog so people are not surprised if they dont scroll all the way to the bottom or goto the usage page when updating.
ATTN Users upgrading to v1.2.2
The now default commands have changed and all must be prefaced with
IMO this is a pretty major overhaul as to how things work with this plugin, and sadly the default nature is now to add more characters to the commands. the game already limited characters so going from
to/ticket open
takes up a few more precious spaces. You can configure and use the "legacy" system (removes tab complete, does not work on console) with the old commands or custom shorter commands which is nice, but the new default commands (/ticket open, /ticket close, /ticket read) are forced upon upgrading, and custom message.yml files must be recreated as well.Be sure you backup your current config and messages yml files before upgrading, messages.yml must be regenerated, and config.yml will change as well with updates.
I outline this in the changelog and caveats. That should suffice.
Can you please make it very clear on this page or in the chagelog that the new version 1.2.2 changes ALL of the commands by default. You can map them back to the old commands, but the upgrade will change them by default.
No problemo. I've been in the mood of changing ReportRTS for the better lately. This is a historic moment in the history of ReportRTS as it is the first proper step away from simply being a replacement for the abandoned ModTRS, to a new unique and better support system!
Thanks for the update! :)
A new development build of ReportRTS is available
ReportRTS #194
- Add missing AssignTicket command.
- Update RTS notes.
A new development build of ReportRTS is available
ReportRTS #193
- Get first array element as opposed to second element.
A new development build of ReportRTS is available
ReportRTS #192
- Fix Auto-Completion OutOfBoundsException when there's only one open ticket.
A new development build of ReportRTS is available
ReportRTS #191
- Fixes whitespace issue that occurs when typing /ticket broadcast.
Probably, but I need to know what it says, what version your server and ReportRTS is and I also would like to see your config.
@ProjectInfinity - Installed the plugin but whenever someone attempts to use /modreq [message] it says a message along the lines of: "An internal error occurred...". Any way to fix this? Thanks.
A new development build of ReportRTS is available
ReportRTS #190
- Add missing setup authorization check.
A new development build of ReportRTS is available
ReportRTS #189
- Fixes pagination in viewing held tickets.
- First commit of the new command system. Do not use on production servers!
- Fix broken ticket creation.
- Rebrand requests as tickets. Please regenerate your messages.yml file!
- Update RTS notes.
- Update notes.
- Send username as opposed to uuid to staff when a sign creates a ticket.
- Fix teleportation and add missing code.
- Update RTS notes.
- Fix teleportation message. It previously said "Teleported to #tp".
- Fix non-breaking space character on Windows servers. It prefers to stay a String.
- Make sure the parsed number is within the range of an integer and is not below 0.
- Update RTS notes.
- Add fancify tickets option. Tooltips ahoy.
- Make tab-complete work with the new command system.
- Cleanup, final testing may begin.
- Stop console from creating duplicate entries in the database when entering commands.
Not yet! And comments would need a DB change (which is coming, see this:
Is there a comment command?
/ticket comment # <msg> ?
Is there a way for users to review their closed tickets?
A new development build of ReportRTS is available
ReportRTS #188
- Stop console from creating duplicate entries in the database when entering commands.
The new command system may be tested now. For now it uses the same permissions and everything has been moved into the /ticket command. If you enable legacy commands in the configuration, please make sure to ALTER EVERY COMMAND IN THE LIST TO AVOID CONFLICTS.
Download the test build here.
Please read everything below, CAREFULLY! And remember to report how the build works for you, working or not!
Notes about ReportRTS version 1.2.2
1. Not sure if I am allowed to link to it, but it is an alternative to Bukkit (but it is based off it) that allows for server networks. Google "Spigot" or "BungeeCord". Enabling this option allows several servers to work with one table and allow for cross-messaging, tickets and teleportation.
2. I'm not sure I understand. Is this even possible? If so, please point me towards documentation.
edit: I completed the tooltips. However, I am unsure I like it. Normally a read command takes 0.40ms to 0.72ms, when using tooltips it took about 2.598ms to 10.047ms to display the same amount of information.
edit 2: I managed to shave off a good amount of the time it took to execute. It's now down to 1.5-2ms at most. Included tooltips as a configurable option.
What exactly does the BungeeCord support do/how does it work?
Edit: Also, what about the ability to hover over a ticket to view the full text?