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ReportRTS stands for Report - Realtime Ticket System, it is designed to be a easy to use and feature rich support system.
- Supports multi-server setups using BungeeCord.
- Uses MySQL, this allows you to easily display information from the database.
- "Caches" open tickets to reduce access time.
To determine popularity of versions, features, and lingering usage, plugin installs are automatically tracked by the Metrics plugin tracking system and forwarded to for analysis. Basic server information (Version, player count used) is tracked. If you don't want to help or are paranoid, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and set opt-out to true.
Does not collect data at all. Simply used to retrieve a player's UUID from Mojang's API if he does not have one in the database prior to ReportRTS version 1.2.0.
Version checking
By default ReportRTS checks for ReportRTS updates, you can disable this by setting versionCheck to false in the configuration.
Maven repository
<repository> <id>projectinfinity-repo</id> <name>ProjectInfinity repository</name> <url></url> </repository> <dependency> <groupId>com.nyancraft.reportrts</groupId> <artifactId>ReportRTS</artifactId> <version>1.2.3</version> </dependency>
Support me!
Why support me?
All the more motivation to continue work on this project. During it's two years of existence I have received a total of $270 and promises that never saw the light of day.
Say if I have spent a total of 500 (this is an example number, in reality it is much higher and just keeps increasing) hours working on this project. That gives me a total of $0.54 an hour, compare this to the average wage of a McDonalds worker in the US which is $7.81. Had they worked 500 hours they would have made $3905.
If you find that this project has helped you, please consider donating to this project.
This is awesome, I'll be sure to stay updated :)
I have a VERY important feature request. Make tickets expire and auto delete/close after X amount of time in the config. This is so important for us, as we have a lot of players and the tickets that don't get answered just build up. Therefore by the time we get to them, they are 3 days old and obsolete. A simple cleanup feature would do wonders for us.
Banning people from creating tickets and teleporting to tickets are planned features. :) I will take your other suggestions into consideration though.
Suggestion - Allow users to set priority of their tickets and maybe permissions to only allow some groups to set some priorities, ability to teleport to locations & ban people from creating them and finally MySQL support :)
Hey to you both. I will be updating the description of this with my latest progress on ReportRTS :) I'm pretty excited about how this plugin is going to turn out. If you have suggestions on visual or feature wise changes coming from ModTRS, I would appreciate if you made a ticket about it!
Thanks alot :D
Yay !!!