
Remember that commands are dynamic and your server administrator may have configured them differently!

This page is for version 1.2.2 aka New Command System update.


read <ticket id, page, held, closed, server>reportrts.command.checkDisplay open, held or closed tickets.
read selfreportrts.command.check.selfDisplay currently tickets open by you.
open <message>reportrts.command.modreqOpens a ticket with the following arguments as it's message.
close <id> <optional message>reportrts.command.completeCloses specified ticket. You may allow users to complete their own by giving them reportrts.command.complete.self
reopen <id>reportrts.command.completeReopens the specified ticket.
claim <id>reportrts.command.claimClaims the specified ticket to prevent toe-stepping.
unclaim <id>reportrts.command.claimRemoves a claim from a ticket, allowing another staff member to claim it.
assign <id>reportrts.command.assignAssigns (adds a claim) to the specified ticket.
hold <id> <optional message>reportrts.command.holdPuts the target ticket on hold.
tp <id>reportrts.command.teleportTeleport to the target ticket.
broadcast <message>reportrts.command.broadcastBroadcasts a message to all staff members.
staffreportrts.command.modlistDisplays online staff members (players with the staff node).


reloadreportrts.command.reloadReloads the configuration, tickets from database and messages.
banreportrts.command.banBans the target from using the ticket system.
unbanreportrts.command.banUnbans the target from using the ticket system.
resetreportrts.command.resetResets the ReportRTS tables in the database.
statsreportrts.command.statsDisplays total closed, currently claimed and currently held tickets by the target player.
search/findreportrts.command.statsFinds tickets closed or created by target.
helpreportrts.command.helpShows the help page.
notificationsreportrts.command.notificationsAllows the player to view how many pending notifications there are, and mark them as seen by doing /reportrts notifications reset
dutyreportrts.modShows your current duty status. By turning duty to off you are removed from the ReportRTS system until re-added by either re-logging or doing /reportrts duty <on/off>.
setupOP only!Command to help you set up the database configuration for ReportRTS.