The RepairSign plugin provides easy to use repair locations to help improve the user experience from a general perspective. Before making the purchase you can check trough an invoice station how much its going to cost and get a detailed list of all prices for each item. You can even go as far as to change the default pricing for all items in the config. To repair or get estimate left click signs.
Click on image to get a detailed explanation
Estimate Armor Sign: | Estimate Sign: |
![]() | ![]() |
Repair Armor Sign: | Repair Sign: |
![]() | ![]() |
Salvage Value Sign: | Salvage Sign: |
![]() | ![]() |
Future Of RepairSigns
Do you have any ideas? I would love to hear them, feel free to open a ticket and I will try my best to get as many ideas completed as I can!
Vault - Economy+Permissions
My Server
- Minecraft IP:
- Techreanimate - Free minecraft server hosting
outdated youtube < 1.0.4
This works great on my 1.8.3 Spigot server.
need update for spigot 1.8
I found that when player is in creative mode, they could directly destory the sign, even with deny creative mode enabled.
Could you please checkout this issue?
Tried adding weapons from other mods. Item was recognized, but damage cannot; was equal to ∞ which leads the item to cost really really high like 253637383(not the actual numbers). Is there a way to make this work? BTW the mod I'm referring to is customnpc; the scythe is the particular item I've used for test.
I some times got 6.25 damage scale for some enchanted items, or 1.3 for some other. Could you check whether damage scale should always lower than 1.0?
Thank you.
In the meantime, my code is set to pull from bukkit, you can just use the minecraft variable names and put them in the config file using the same format.
add new 1.7 enchantments C:
Dont know how that slipped my mind, ill run checks and fix it asap
When a user has a negative balance using essentials (eco loan) the salvage sign doesn't give money for salvaging.
It works with a balance of $0 and above.
I started Caching the mcstats image trough my server so it always loads now :)
"deny creative mode" Added in 1.2.1 :)
I have the updated Vault plugin and haven't used the plugin before, but I did figure out my problem. For some reason my signs had a space between "repair" and "sign". Problem solved, error on my(and my staff's) end. Thanks for your quick reply!!
I would also like to add that a "deny creative mode" option would be nice =D
Also vault is a required dependency
debug commands are what i use to damage and repair items for testing. If you have used the plugin before, It has changed to left click instead of right click due to a problem with item duplication on bukkit armor.
I'm running the newest dev build of bukkit 1.6.4. I have the plugin installed, everything is set to default. I have added all the repairsign.use. permissions to my default rank. For some reason the signs do nothing for anyone, including OP's. I set debug to true and when I try the commands, it returns with the version of the plugin or it does nothing at all. If I try /repairsign repair, it will repair the item at no cost.
Am I doing something wrong or is this some kind of bug?
hah xD
Its a faction on my server, thats the nickname of the player. i said the same thing haha
MichaelWestion? :P You watch burn notice or something :3
There is already a ticket for both of those, Spoiler alert* You can customize the colors of both lines separately in the config or trough a command. Signs may use diff colors. Coming in the next update.
Users can do: = gold members get 10% off
wow great plugin, simple yet very effective. I'm running this on my server now!
The only thing if anything that I would add is allow colour, and have some discount perms for donor ranks like
These would be the % you get off repairing your items for donor ranks.