With this plugin you can let your users manage and/or repair their tools/weapon/armor by simply Left or Right clicking on a RepairShop sign.
How it works
There are 2 kinds of Shops. The PlayerShops and the AdminShops. You can let your users take care of their own repair shop. It takes up resources that are stored in a chest below the repair sign, to repair your tool/armor/weapon. The owner of that shop needs to check that there are always enough resources in the chest. If you just want to be able to repair your tools without worring about resources you can simply create an AdminShop. It will not take up any resources and a chst ist not necessary.
How to setup
1. Place a sign on the wall. Line1: [repair] Line2: <type> Line3: <price> 2. Place a chest below the sign mentioned in step 1. 3. Fill the chest with corresponding item for the type. Notice: '<...>' indicates a variable
1. Place a sign on the wall. Line1: [repair] Line2: adminshop Line3: <type> Line4: <price> 2. Place a chest below the sign mentioned in step 1. 3. Fill the chest with corresponding item for the type. Notice: '<...>' indicates a variable
CLICK HERE for a type list.
- /rp ? - View the ingame Help list.
- /rp info - View the latest updates and changes.
- /rp playershop ? - View the ingame manual for creating a playershop.
- /rp adminshop ? - View the ingame manual for creating a adminshop.
- /rp reload - Reload RepairShop if you made changes in the config.
Admin Permissions
- RepairShop.AdminShop - Give a Group/Player Permission to create an adminshop.
- RepairShop.Admin - Give a Group/Player All Permissions.
Create Permissions
- RepairShop.create.* - Give all create permissions mentioned below to a Group/Player.
- - Let a Group/User create RepairShops for tools.
- RepairShop.create.armor - Let a Group/User create RepairShops for armor.
- RepairShop.create.weapon - Let a Group/User create RepairShops for weapon.
Use Permissions
- RepairShop.use - Give a Group/Player use Permission for the RepairShops.
CLICK HERE to see a documentation of the configuration.
This plugin supports following Economy plugins:
- iConomy
- BOSEconomy
- Essentials Economy
I will take a screenshot to show you what I am inputting, and what happens after - when I create the sign. Also I am showing it after /rp ? to show that the plugin is actually installed.
Since you are an OP, i think the only posibility is a wrong input on the sign. Maybe give me an example here, or even make a screenshot of a sign, so i can see it.
I didn't get any error messages for it in the console, only: RepairShop: Enabling RepairShop v2.1RepairShop: found Essentials Version Dev2.9.23RepairShop: found Essentials Version Dev2.9.23RepairShop: version 2.1 is enabled!
I am using Group Manager from Essentials but I am OP and Owner so it shouldn't matter about permissions for me, should it?
Also I am using Essentials Economy.
Did you get any error messages in the console?
What Permissions plugin do you use?
And what Economy plugin do you use?
Hi, I have just installed this but I cannot get it working. I have set up the shop as you have done in the example but I don't get any messages saying that the shop has been created. I have also tried admin shop and that doesn't work.
I will be grateful for any help.
Thanks :)
Thanks so much for the Essentials Eco support.. I really appreciate it :)
Du sollst auch nicht holländisch oder französisch lernen, das waren nur Beispiele. Aber du könntest dann die Dateien, falls sie dir jemand zur Verfügung stellt in ein Archiv packen und derjenige braucht nur in der config den einen Eintrag ändern.
Ich habe die message.yml extra configurierbar gemacht, dass man jeweils seine Sprache eingeben kann. Und ich habe keine lust jetzt Niederlaendisch zu lernen, dass ich die .yml schrieben kann. Das kann auch ein Server admin uebernehmen ;).
Das mit den Namen aendern, sehe ich eigentlich keinen richtigen sin dahinter, aber ich ueberlege es mir mal.
2.0.1 works with: Bukkit-1.2.3-R0.2-80-ga783bc4-b2114jnks (MC: 1.2.4)
It would be awesome if the name for gold_tools, gold_weapon, diamond... are also configurable, for sign and message. Also in config.yml the language
language: de
Like domains de=german, nl=netherlands, fr=french
and the messages file then should be named and so on.
German Translation:
I will look into it tonight. Just be a little patient.
It would be great if this plugin would work with essentialseco... Please could you add that? I just use the essentials economy system and it would be a great help for me and many others Im sure. Thanks - Zy
Should be fixed in version 1.7.1. It's waiting for approval now.
In V1.7 when I install it the console still says "installed version 1.6" and when I go to create a sign the "active" part isn't showing up and no notice about the sign being created shows up. Any help on this would be great.