
This project is abandoned and its default file will likely not work with the most recent version of Minecraft. Whether this project is out of date or its author has marked it as abandoned, this project is no longer maintained.


This is another fun and cool plugin I have made! I think it would be amazing to rename items with commands and so I decided to code this plugin. This plugin also adds essentials colour support and chat formats (&k, &l, &n, &m, &r, &o)


- /anvil - Gives you a short description about this plugin and sends you the version of the current plugin.
- /anvil <name> - Renames the item in your hand.
- /giverenameditem <player> <itemid> <amount> <name> - Give a renamed item to a player!
- /setlore <lore> - Add lores to the item in your hand.


- /rename <name> - Alias for /anvil
- /giveitem <player> <itemid> <amount> <name> - Alias for /giverenameditem


itemrenamer.rename - Use /anvil (or aliases) and rename items!
itemrenamer.colour - Rename items/Add lores with essentials colour codes! For example if you want an item to be aqua type: /anvil &bKingFaris10
itemrenamer.format - Rename items/Add lores with essentials chat format codes (&k, &l, &n, &m, &r, &o) For example if you want an item to be bold type /anvil &lKingFaris10
itemrenamer.giveitem - Use /giverenameditem and give players renamed items!
itemrenamer.setlore - Use /setlore and add lores to items!

Thank you

If you have any suggestions post it below in the comments :)
If you like this plugin feel free to donate to: [email protected] on PayPal!

Colour codes

&0 - Black
&1 - Dark Blue
&2 - Dark Green
&3 - Dark Aqua
&4 - Dark Red
&5 - Dark Purple
&6 - Gold
&7 - Grey
&8 - Dark Grey
&9 - Blue
&a - Light Green
&b - Aqua
&c - Red (Light Red)
&d - Light Purple (Pink)
&e - Yellow
&f - White

Chat formats

&l - Bold
&k - Magic (random changing letters)
&n - Underline
&m - Strike-through
&r - Resets all of the above so it goes back to white with no format
&o - Italics


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Feb 16, 2013
  • Last Released File
    Aug 4, 2013
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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