

Plugin v4.0.0 - GUI v2.0.0 - Console v2.0.0


RemoteBukkit allows admins to, with the help of a plugin, remotely use the server's console. You do this by running a client on you computer and you provide this client with the hostname and port on which the RemoteBukkit plugin's server is running. Of course you will also need to provide the client with the server's username and password (set up in the plugin config file) for security.

So, provided the server has the RemoteBukkit plugin installed, admins can remotely use the Bukkit Console to control the server and execute Bukkit console commands server side.

RemoteBukkit does support multiple, simultaneous, connected clients.


Major Plugin Update v4.0.0

The latest plugin release (v4.0.0) adds support for CB v1.7.2.

Major Plugin Update v3.0.0

The latest plugin release (v3.0.0) adds support for multiple users.

Minor Plugin Update v2.5.0

The latest plugin release (v2.5.0) adds a number of highly requested features as well as a fix for a critical exploit.



Simply place the plugin in the standard Bukkit plugin directory and it will automatically generate its configuration the next time the server is run. The config file format is very simple, but offers several flexible options. The defaults are:

port: 25564
verbose: true
logsize: 500
  - user: username
    pass: password

All avaliable options and their descriptions are listed below.

port25564The port on which the RemoteBukkit server will listen (this MUST be different to the Bukkit server's port number)
verbosetrueWhether or not RemoteBukkit will produce verbose logging information (in the form "client X dispatched command Y").
logsize500The maximum number of log lines to send to a client upon successful connection.
users(list)A list of the users which are permitted to connect to the RemoteBukkit server. The syntax for defining multiple user entries can be found in the example below.

A more complex example configuration file can be found below (for demonstration purposes).

port: 6001
verbose: false
logsize: 12
  - user: escortkeel
    pass: secretpassword
  - user: bukkitserver
    pass: thepassword
  - user: minecraft
    pass: server

GUI Client

RemoteBukkit offers a very simple and easy to use GUI client which you can use to connect to the plugin. Just double click on the GUI's jarfile to run it. The GUI features a self-explanatory interface where you supply the hostname, port, username and password of the RemoteBukkit server.

Run the GUI with no arguments to open the Login Dialog. Run the GUI with the following arguments and it will attempt to use the supplied parameters to login automatically:

Use: [hostname:port] [user] [pass]


  • --help - Prints this help message.

Console Client

If you prefer to use a console-based application to connect to the RemoteBukkit plugin you can too! The console argument syntax is very simple but the program but will print help information if you supply no/the wrong number of/invalid arguments:

Use: [hostname:port] [user] [pass] <switches>


  • --help - Prints the help message.
  • --nolog - Instructs the server not to send any log information to the client.
  • --exec <command> - Sends <command> to the server and then terminates. Useful for scripts. Make sure that you surround commands containing spaces in inverted commas (e.g. "say Hello, World!").

Telnet Client (advanced)

RemoteBukkit also supports telnet connections. Just connect to the normal server port as you would with the console or GUI clients and then supply the server's username and then password on separate lines, followed by a third, blank line.


$ telnet [hostname:ip]
[blank line]


The latest plugin build can be downloaded here.
The latest GUI build can be downloaded here.
The latest console build can be downloaded here.

Latest Changes

Plugin v3.0.0

  • Added multi-user support!

GUI v2.0.0

  • Updated protocol version

Console v2.0.0

  • Added --nolog switch
  • Updated protocol version

Planned Features

  • A standalone GUI Completed!
  • Integration with BukkitGUI - With the help of Bertware Completed!
  • Integration with RunBukkit - Another GUI for Bukkit which is not on BukkitDev (yet!)

How Can I Help?

This plugin is developed solely by me in my free time so:

  • If you are a developer would like to contribute to this project, or any of my other projects, please PM me or email me at [email protected].
  • If you are a not developer but would still like to contribute somehow, please consider donating. Donations are highly valued and much appreciated.


Developer: Keeley Hoek (escortkeel)


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About This Project

  • Project ID
  • Created
    Jan 13, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Feb 11, 2014
  • Total Downloads
  • License



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