Religions is a Bukkit plugin that allows users to create religions. These religions worship a certain God, and the God of a religion will get angry if their is a lack of sacrifices to it. Great for RPG servers.
- /religion create <name> <main god> - Creates a religion
- /religion addgod <name> <god of> - Creates a God who is God of a specified thing
- /religion delgod <name> - Deletes a God
- /religion editgod <god> <new item> - Adds an item a God accepts as a sacrfice
- /religion delete - Deletes your religion (if you are head priest of it)
- /religion invite <name> - Invites a player to your religion (if your a priest of it)
- /religion join <religion> - Joins a religion (if invited)
- /religion leave - Leaves your current religion
- /religion headpriest <name> - Changes someone else to the Head Priest and demotes you to a Priest
- /religion priest <name> - Makes the user a priest of your religion
- /religion setmaingod <god> - Sets the main god for your religion to worship
- /religion worship <god> - Adds a non-main god your religion to worship
- /religion stopworship <god> - Deletes a non-main god your religion worships
- /religion war <religion> - Declare war on a different religion
- /religion sacrifice <god> - Sacrifice the item in your hand to a God
- /religion setdesc <desc> - Changes your religion's description
- /religion info <religion> - Shows information about a religion
Pre-made Gods
The list of pre-made gods are:
- Cid - God of Space and Time - Likes being sacrificed black wool, nether stars, beacons, and clocks.
- Aka - God of Evil - Likes being sacrificed bones, rotten flesh, redstone, and gold. Likes when a war is won or declared.
- Vitaiv - God of Life - Likes being sacrificed seeds, grass, wheat, and bread. Hates when war is declared.
- H'jo - God of Magic - Likes being sacrificed experience bottles and enchanted books.
- Awt - God of Water - Likes being sacrificed ice, sand, clay and water buckets.
- Ysk - God of Sky - Likes when being sacrificed white wool, feathers and light blue wool.
- Sa - God of Exploration - Likes being sacrificed maps, compasses, torches, redstone torches, and clocks.
Pre-made Gods are from La La Landian mythology, created by idontcare1025 and jhkwas.
- religions.<command name> - Gives a user permission for specified command
Thanks, an alpha build is almost done. Once the file is done and approved I'd love for you to test it!
The thought process behind the leaving part was to prevent people from just taking off if the "god" is angry and it's time for punishment. This way a player can't just jump in for benefits then take off when it gets rough.
If you need any testing done, let me know. I'm building a server now, so won't mind tossing this in there to add to it!
I like your punishment system and I'm going to add it, just not as configurable yet. First, I want some alpha builds of the plugin ready. About your good and evil powers, I would like to incorporate some good/evil things, but I'm not sure about the thing about leaving. Thanks for your suggestions!
How about instead of deleting the religion, the god punishes the head priest? You know the saying "Sh*t rolls down hill". You could have it so the god does something that is configurable in the config. Something like damage, removes a permission for X seconds, use a permission from another plugin that could be used as punishment, etc. Then the head priest could have their own section of configurable punishments that they could use on any followers of the same religion. The Head Priests' punishment could be used on the entire populace of the same religion OR used on an individual of the same religion (maybe they have a permission to look up total sacrifices and punish the slacker). This could set up the line to decide if your religion is evil, good, neutral, etc.
Another idea for the head priests, the server owner could set up a list or "pool" of all possible permissions that a head priest could use if they decide to (good and "evil" abilities). They would also have their own set of mini configurations edited by the head priest. For instance a player can NOT leave a religion freely and must sacrifice (an item, nuimber of mobs, or even a number of players), players must pay the Head priest X (either money or items/blocks) that could either go for the head priests' selfish reasons or blocks to help build more churches for the religion. Again this would allow the religion to go down its' own path of good and evil.
Also, if Gods are happy enough certain abilities are granted to members of that religion, based on what the god if god of. For example, if your religion mainly worships Ysk and he is happy with your religion, you won't take fall damage.
I'm most likely going to implement altars, however I'm not going to add support for magic spells as I plan to add the plugin's own magic system.
If a God is angry at a religion the God is the main God of, the religion will be deleted. Keeping the God happy allows your religion to stay intact.
Looks good right now
What about building an altar for them and plugin support for magicspells cause of the magic god :D
What happens when the god is angry? What would happen if the god is pleased?
Promising plugin for those fantasy servers, just curious how you are going to create this.