
Warning: This project is experimental. Its files will not synchronize across the CurseForge network.



Register is a follow-on plugin from the basic EasyRegister plugin. This plugin, like EasyRegister, is useful for servers which want to ensure new users have read the rules before they can properly play on the server.

Examples of Use

Register can be used to ensure users read your server rules. When a user in the default group spawns in the server they will be automatically teleported to a rules room. In this room you can have all of your rules listed and then a notice saying "type /register <code> to begin playing!" Alternatively, you can leave a notice directing users to your website or forum to find the code before they can begin. The <code> can be defined in the config.yml file. Once the user types /register, they will be teleported to a different location allowing them to begin playing on the server.

The way this is done can be highly configured, not by the plugin itself, but with your own imagination. You could protect your server from griefers by making the default permissions group only have the ability to chat on the server and not interact with anything else. Then you could have a secondary group which the new 'visitor' user could transfer to, e.g. 'player'


/setroom will set the location users in the default group will be teleported to upon connection to the server.

/register <code> will teleport users to the location defined below, providing they enter the correct code.

/setspawnroom will set the location users are teleported to once they enter the correct register code.


register.* - Grants users with this node access to all EasyRegister commands. *Note* Do not give this to normal players or they could have access to change spawn room locations!

register.register - Grants users with this node access to the /register command. Should be given to the default group only to prevent already registered players from trying to do it again.

register.setroom - Grants users with this node access to the /setroom command allowing them to choose the location new users will be automatically teleported to when they join the server.

register.setspawnroom - Grants users with this node access to the /setspawnroom command which allows them to choose the location users will be teleported to once they enter the correct registration code.

Installation and Tutorial

Install the Vault plugin on your server then drag register.jar into your plugins folder. Start your server to allow the configuration files to be created then edit them to your liking. They can be found in plugins/register.

Note: The plugin will not work unless Vault is installed, so insure it is before reporting errors.

If you need any help, please let us know below.


WarmakerT - Plugin development

HairyHandsMagee - Plugin management and initial idea.


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