Current stable version: v5.9.9 for CB 1.6.2-R0.1
Regios, a fully fledged, extensive and extendible Region mod. Regios allows you to easily create regions with a vast amount of properties such as protection, entry & exit control, password protection, speed and health modifiers and much more! Regios is multi-world compatible and lightweight. More so Regios is open source and has a well documented API which will allow other developers to make add-ons to make Regios even better!
NOTE: Regios v5.0.3 and later now REQUIRES Vault for Economy and/or Permissions support. You can still use Regios without Vault but it will be Op or basic superperms only and without economy support.
Do you use Dynmap? Ever wanted to see your Regios regions on Dynmap? Well now you can! Try the new Dynmap-Regios!
Some of the main features of Regios are:
- Complete Region protection.
- Spout GUI editor!
- Permissions and group modification in real-time, force commands and inventory options.
- Prevent exit or entry with password authentication.
- Transfer structures/regions from server to server with new Blueprint (*.blp) files!
- Backup your Regions and restore them to their former states. (Now includes container contents and sign text!)
- API access.
- Fun features such as health control, pvp settings and speed modifiers.
- Per world configurations.
- Default Region settings.
- Simple flat file storage allows for manual editing if needed.
- Universal Economy/Permission support through Vault
- WorldEdit Support
Current To-Do list (in no particular order or priority):
- Fix Spout GUI
Add non-cuboid regionsCompleted in 5.9.0!- Add self-contained permission system
- Add player variables to commands
Expand Regios APICompleted in 5.9.0!- Better multi-world support
- Add renting
- Add fall damage prevention
- Fix water and lava placement issue when regions are close to each other
- Add more effects for "fun" commands (prevent hunger, regen hunger, cause potion effects, etc.)
- Add some way of visualizing regions in-game.
- Add some form of child regions (mainly to prevent players from creating regions inside of other players regions)
- Add some form of priority system for regions (for when regions overlap)
- Add music looping
- Make tutorial videos!
- Make the commands more flexible (and helpful)
- Add more command aliases (for some of the stranger commands, such as set-creature-spawns)
- Add zombie door break protection
- Improve modification commands
- Add optional auto-update function
- Add world commands
- Add a scheduler for backups
For a list of Commands and Permissions, visit here:
>> === Wiki Page === <<
This is so complicated...
What is the region selection tool? Where can i change it? In the file root/Regios/Configuration don't exits
I agree with the GUI error.
I can confirm, GUI is not working..
"/regios" command work, other commands give an error in console output, cannot pass CUSTOM_EVENT to regios..
anyway, this is one of the best plugins ever.
15:33:50 [INFO] [Regios] Writing region logs to log files... 15:33:50 [SEVERE] The system cannot find the path specified
15:33:50 [SEVERE] at Method) 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at Source) 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at couk.Adamki11s.Regios.Scheduler.LogRunner.pushLogMess ages( 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at couk.Adamki11s.Regios.Scheduler.LogRunner.pollLogMess ages( 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at couk.Adamki11s.Regios.Scheduler.MainRunner$ 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.scheduler.CraftScheduler.mainT hreadHeartbeat( 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.h(MinecraftServe 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at 15:33:50 [SEVERE] at ceFile:417)
Any Ideas?
Hasn't been working for over a week now :/
Yeah, im getting the same error!
This mod has been the cornerstone for the stability of my server. Griefing is a thing of the past. Making backups, and restoring them with a command is an invaluable tool for server admins. I can easily protect anyone's structure in the world, and assure that it will go untouched.
I have a few requests, and a possible idea for the mod, as a hard core user of Regios.
First things first, I would really love support for EssentialsEco. I'm not a big fan of iConomy, and I'm not even entirely sure that iConomy6 is stable at all on 1.8.1 (My experience anyway)
Secondly, it would be amazing if I could set a variable for limiting the welcome/leave messages to the owner alone, and not everyone else. I feel that will help in making Regios smoother to use in towns and houses, and not spamming everyone with every area they seemingly walk into.
I find myself wishing that I could give permission to the owners of the regions to do various functions to their own region, ie add exceptions, change protection, and/or back it up as well.
Lastly, an automatic backup feature would be most welcome, for users with no space concerns. Currently, backing up regions individually is nice, depending on the changes made to them, but tedious when you have many of them (Maybe there is a way to do this, I haven't been able to read the entire wiki)
Anyways, keep up the good work, I deeply enjoy using this plugin for protecting my world. Thank you for all your hard work.
I got a problem! The plugin doesn´t work for me. When i for example type /regios set it only shows up "type /regios help for help". What should i do? I have updated to 1.8.1 latest build.
Filed a ticket, hope this gets resolved!
If it continues I certainly will open a ticket up because it's very foreboding to not have any region protection for the time being... I'll apply the update and see if it starts working again.
Use the download in the thread.
On BukkitDev everything has to be approved manually which is very frustrating as it takes ages! I did not mark it as a version change as there are no features, surprisingly I didn't find many breaks but whatever error you are getting please post here.
Like the guy below me said, where's the download? The only one I found still says it's version 4.0.71 in my server logs, and gets an NPE while trying to start like 4.0.71 did also.
nice, but where is it? :D
Updated for 1.8. Enjoy!
Thank you for putting this on bukkit dev.
Does this work with 1185 ?
Spout is not a requirement; it is optional. Try redownloading the latest version. What does HawkEye do?
I'll be updating for 1.8 over the weekend.
Also, I thought i'd mention that spout crashes 1.8.1 servers now...thats why i don't have spout
I'm having a VERY strange problem. I have been running regios for a really long time and recently for 1.8.1 i've been doing it without spout. I don't know how its been running without spout since it says its a requirement but it has been. But all of a sudden after doing a major rollback with HawkEye it stopped working and began telling me "regios requires spout to run" or something like that. The reason its so strange to me is that i didn't think a plugin could cause another plugin to fail when they were not previously conflicting. And...also the fact that regios was running fine without spout. I don't have any logs to paste though, sorry :(