Current stable version: v5.9.9 for CB 1.6.2-R0.1
Regios, a fully fledged, extensive and extendible Region mod. Regios allows you to easily create regions with a vast amount of properties such as protection, entry & exit control, password protection, speed and health modifiers and much more! Regios is multi-world compatible and lightweight. More so Regios is open source and has a well documented API which will allow other developers to make add-ons to make Regios even better!
NOTE: Regios v5.0.3 and later now REQUIRES Vault for Economy and/or Permissions support. You can still use Regios without Vault but it will be Op or basic superperms only and without economy support.
Do you use Dynmap? Ever wanted to see your Regios regions on Dynmap? Well now you can! Try the new Dynmap-Regios!
Some of the main features of Regios are:
- Complete Region protection.
- Spout GUI editor!
- Permissions and group modification in real-time, force commands and inventory options.
- Prevent exit or entry with password authentication.
- Transfer structures/regions from server to server with new Blueprint (*.blp) files!
- Backup your Regions and restore them to their former states. (Now includes container contents and sign text!)
- API access.
- Fun features such as health control, pvp settings and speed modifiers.
- Per world configurations.
- Default Region settings.
- Simple flat file storage allows for manual editing if needed.
- Universal Economy/Permission support through Vault
- WorldEdit Support
Current To-Do list (in no particular order or priority):
- Fix Spout GUI
Add non-cuboid regionsCompleted in 5.9.0!- Add self-contained permission system
- Add player variables to commands
Expand Regios APICompleted in 5.9.0!- Better multi-world support
- Add renting
- Add fall damage prevention
- Fix water and lava placement issue when regions are close to each other
- Add more effects for "fun" commands (prevent hunger, regen hunger, cause potion effects, etc.)
- Add some way of visualizing regions in-game.
- Add some form of child regions (mainly to prevent players from creating regions inside of other players regions)
- Add some form of priority system for regions (for when regions overlap)
- Add music looping
- Make tutorial videos!
- Make the commands more flexible (and helpful)
- Add more command aliases (for some of the stranger commands, such as set-creature-spawns)
- Add zombie door break protection
- Improve modification commands
- Add optional auto-update function
- Add world commands
- Add a scheduler for backups
For a list of Commands and Permissions, visit here:
>> === Wiki Page === <<
Can you please fix the Spout region editor? I just get NPE's with every button I press. I am using CraftBukkit 1.0.1-R1 and the latest Spout and SpoutCraft.
I there perhaps a way to allow teleportation through regions? I have islands on my server and I want to prevent players from swimming out of range of the island. However, they are allowed to take a boat over to another island, but Regios prevents them from teleporting.
It seems that the items exception list does nothing, butting the item type to blacklist allows everyone to place anything. but white list with sign as an exception does nothing different.
Hmm. Maybe push a version with priorities as they "should" be and a fallback config option backwards compatibility for server admins who use "bad" plugins?
(Extra credits: Register Monitor threads that automatically detect if that's the case ;)
Anyway, thanks for taking your time thinking about it :)
Ah yes I should push out an update for that, good suggestion. But it's hard sometimes because other plugins sometimes register their events at highest when they should be registered as low :P
Note: Everything below written based on what I see in the source. If you change the event priority dynamically feel free to disregard :)
If you only were setting them to High I would be happy - but Regios registers _all_ listeners at Highest ... :/
My use case is that I use pacified Endermen as Postmen. Regios is correctly canceling them since they to Regios are normal Endermen. Courier knows they aren't though, and that the admin wants them to spawn, thus I've written a listener that un-cancels only those Endermen that are Courier Postman. That listener runs at Highest, and I suspect we'll get into a race condition as to which plugin runs the latest.
Use /r set and select points with the default tool specified in the configuration file - the default is a wooden axe.
Yes I tend to follow that standard. For events I want to make sure Regios controls I set the priority to high, for normal events to, well normal and events that I don't need to cancel to low.
I think its "/r set"
I'm having the same problem. Thoughts?
Hello can somebody help me I just installed Regios on my server. I know how it works I used it on my old beta server but now on my 1.0.0 server is select 2 points say /r create .... and it says [Regios] You must select 2 points!
Can anyone help me?
Hi, thanks for fixing the link! Do you need to register at Event.Highest for all events? There is a valid case for being able to un-cancel spawn protection and I've just had to add it to Courier. WorldGuard register cancels at High and thus my override works fine. I'm not sure it will work with Regios though.
I was think of Dinnerbone's suggestions for plugin developers and priority levels:
"I'd suggest generalized protection plugins on lowest, more specific plugins on normal, and override plugins on high."
Fixed the link, thanks.
Are you sure? I might have the modes muddled :P sorry.
I'll look into this, are you not getting any stack trace errors?
I want my players to be able to place only signs. How do I do that? What do I need to set the setting to? I tried block place protection true item mode whitelist and exceptions items 323. But had no luck :/
nvm, I had to put item mode blacklist for some reason o.0 Seems weird, but oh well. lol
The link to Regios source on GitHub is a 404 both here on the description page and in Repository. I was actually just looking for which priority you're canceling entity spawns at though :)
Support for polygons? :D
i believe i have found a bug: i set a 10 x 10 area with regios, but after create is the area 11 x 10 - any idea why ? o.O
edit: oh sorry, i have update to 5.0.1 after my commend, now i dont have this bug - sorry
New Survival Server just went live! Check it out at the IP : Website :
Awesome mod. Gold stars!
Just needed some help. Went on the wiki for the permissions to figure out the restrictions, but it would seem that the size restriction node did not work, and the area number limit turned out to be the size of the area. Interestingly, when i changed the integer between 1-100, once in a while it would say 'you are now allowed to create test region (not in those words, but the ghist of it) coz maximum width is 0, your width is 14' and 'coz maximum length is 10, your width is 14'. Any ideas?
And also could not use some commands, for example the /region setmonsterspawns test just didn't work. least to say just typing /region nothing happens. literally. no error report, no text warnings, nothing. I have a feeling it might be clashing with Essentials, but I may be wrong. Any Thoughts?
thanks for the awesome mod man.