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UploadedApr 19, 2012
Size377.94 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- CB 1.2.5-R1.0
+Re-added basic superperms support without Vault
+Fixed NegativeSizeArrayException and Invalid Tag Type errors when loading .blp's and .rbf's
+Fixed backup tag name for .blp files
+Added illegal character check for blueprint and region backup names
+Split Region class into Region, CubeRegion, and PolyRegion in preparation for polygon regions
+Added Temporary remove permission nodes
+Cleaned up permission/exception/restriction checks
-Removed adding region creator as an exception automatically (they are the owner, why would they need an exception?)
+Added RegionModifyEvent
+Fixed SpoutGUI music url input size (typo, was 26 should have been 256)
+Fixed add-music-url and use-music-url (also fixes SpoutGUI RegionScreen7 issue)
+Fixed Blueprints not loading sign and chest data
+Fixed the other expand-max command to use new world height (Sorry, I didn't realize there were two)
+Fixed some messages sent to players (such as rem-music-url saying its adding url to region when it should say removing)
I think that was everything...
Buttons don't show up on the Spout GUI with latest Spoutcraft RB 1325, works with later dev builds though (1358+)
I've had to change the way rbf and blp files save and load, which may invalidate and region backups and blueprints created between v5.0.2 and v5.0.3. I recommend that if you have any backups, to restore to the backup you want to keep BEFORE updating to this version and then re-backup after you update. If you don't need to restore a backup then don't. This change should only affect backups and blueprints that contain signs and/or chests. Sorry for any inconvience this may cause. :/
If theres a blueprint or backup you just have to have and can't figure out how to get it saved to the new format, PM it to me and I'll get it converted for you.