

Simple commands allow players to buy, sell, and rent their property.

Property can be any WorldGuard Region.

To add a property to the current world's property list for a sale or rental:

/rr add {region} {sale|rent} {cost} {town}

To remove a property from the current world's property list:

/rr remove {region}

To buy a property from the current world's property list:

/rr buy {region}

To rent a property from the current world's property list:

/rr rent {region}

To list all property from the current world's property list:

/rr list

To list all property from the current world's property list that is for sale, rent, or rented:

/rr {sale|rent|rented}

To list all property from the current world's property list for a single town:

/rr town {town}

To list all property from the current world's property list for a single owner:

/rr owner {owner}

All transactions assign the users to and remove from any regions involved, and also add or deduct any money from the economy.

Requires WorldGuard, Vault, and an economy for Vault to connect to.


regionrealtor.buyer: Allowed to buy regions (default: true) Allowed to sell regions (default: true)

regionrealtor.tenant: Allowed to rent regions (default: true)

regionrealtor.landlord: Allowed to rent out regions (default: true)

regionrealtor.uselist: Allowed to use list command (default: true)

regionrealtor.useowner: Allowed to use owner command (default: true)

regionrealtor.usetown: Allowed to use town command (default: true)

regionrealtor.superowner: Manage any region (default: op)


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  • Project ID
  • Created
    May 29, 2012
  • Last Released File
    Mar 27, 2013
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