Announcement - Development currently paused
Hey there,
Since about two month there are some private issues that stopped me from developing RegionForSale. This pause should only be temporary, but will last at least one more month (end of September). This does not mean that the project is dead! RegionForSale only makes use of the stable Bukkit API and should therefore be compatible to future versions of Bukkit, including 1.8. If not I will try to squeeze an emergency update in between.
Besides that: Great news: I have decided to go open source as soon as I am in front of my keyboard again and probably also look out for a second developer to share the project with!
Soo... Where are the permission nodes now?
In reply to SDCShadow:
regionforsale.showupdate - Receive update notification - Global permission to buy regions<region-name> - Region-specific permission. This can be used for tradeable and parent-regions - Global permission to rent regions<region-name> - Region-specific permission<group-name> - Assigns the player to a group. Used for group-specific region-limitations
regionforsale.seemembers - See the member-list of regions you don't own
regionforsale.see-if-bought - See if a region is bought or rented (displayed behind the name of the region owner)
regionforsale.locate.* - Locate any region.
regionforsale.locate.own - Locate regions you own.
regionforsale.locate.member -Locate regions you are a member of - Locate free regions (that are part of RegionForSale)
regionforsale.sell - Global permission to sell a region
regionforsale.sell.<region-name> - Region-specific sell permission
regionforsale.unrent - Global permission to unrent a region
regionforsale.unrent.<region-name> - Region-specific unrent permission