RedProtect v7.0.0
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UploadedAug 31, 2016
Size393.00 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- KCAULDRON 1.7.10 - 100% COMPATIBLE -
Version 7.0.0:
Total rewrite on Mysql: (Alpha - Use with caution)
If you is using version below 6.5, 6.6 or 6.7 and is using mysql, its mandatory to you make some changes on your database structures:
- Now RedProtect will not create a database for each world. Will use only one;
- You need to set the database name on configuration and this database need to already exists;
- Run your server one time to generate the table "regions". All flags and regions from all worlds will be stored on this table;
- Copy each world tables "regions" from you old dabatase inside new table "regions". The region structures is the same.
- The flags will be reset because now is included on "regions" tables;
- Fixed: Now child regions will no longer discount block limit from player limits. See on WIKI;
- Added: Option to define if the players will use "WAND" or "BLOCKS" to claim your regions. This option can be diferent per worlds and dont need permissions. The default value will be BLOCK. If you use the wand in your server, set back to WAND.;
- Added: Rent system. See on WIKI;
- Added: Sign error where the error is on player try to claim a region with protection block;
- Added: New admin flags: "keep-inventory", "keep-levels", "can-death" and "cmd-onhealth". See on WIKI;
- Added: GlobalFlag "command-range", to deny the command use under certain "y" ranges (min and max). After run this version, check the "globalflags.yml" file for new options;
- Added: Command "/rp mysqlToYml" to save your mysql tables to yml for port or backup (Available from version 7.0.0+).
- Added: Bypass permissions for Chat protection for spam, censor, anti-ip and chat enhancement. See the WIKI or "plugin.yml" file for permissions;
- Added: Command "/rp reload-config" to reload only the configuration and globalflags;
- Added: Mcmmo hooks to deny leveling bugs. See config file for new options;
- Added: Support for tab completion if using custom translation for commands;
- Added: Option to show the region areas on /rp list;
- Fixed: Purge system purging wrong regions with wrong dates;
- Fixed: Player breaking ender crystal and fields inside other claims;
- Fixed: Flag "allow-place" and "allow-break" for entity blocks;
- Updated: Support for latest AsyncWorldEdit;
- Updated: Performance improvement to get region only if the requeriments match, like item in hand and block types;
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All change logs here: Click here
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Please report here if you find any issue.