RedProtect v6.6.3
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UploadedJul 1, 2016
Size379.29 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- KCAULDRON 1.7.10 - 100% COMPATIBLE -
Version 6.6.3:
- Added: Sign Flags: Allow players to change the flags using signs. Simply put "[flag]" on first line and the flag name on second line, the other lines will be completed. This is enabled by default on config and the permissions is the same as flags perms:
- Added: Border blocks on select points to claim;
- Fixed: Players claim regions if the size is 1 block under other regions, and other overlapping problens with /rp claim. Fixed player claiming regions in not allowed worlds too;
On latest builds i have dedicated a lot of time of my day developing this plugin. If you like my work and want to help, you can pay a coffe to me ;)
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Please report here if you find any issue.