RedProtect Cities Plus 3.1.0
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UploadedFeb 8, 2015
Size109.89 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
For 1.7 and 1.8
Version 3.1.0: Backup your database to prevent any data loss
- Added: SUPPORT FOR OFFLINE SERVERS - The database do not will be touched, and the validations still with player names!
- Fixed: Command /rp limit always return 0;
- Fixed: On add offline player causes error! Now to add an OffLine player, this player need to have joined before on server, or you will get "Unknow" player message.
- Fixed: Random player added as owner when create new regions;
- If your server is in offline mode, never turn to ONLINE MODE if you dont want to use in this mode forever!
- Changing to ONLINE MODE your database will be converted to UUIDs and cannot be downgraded to playernames again!
All change logs here: Click here!
ItemFrames and Paintings can be removed only if you set the flag fire to true! Then change to true, remove the frame/painting, and turn off again!
This is necessary because new flag fire to deny break by explosion entities(Creeper) and the player is an entity too :S
Please report here if you find any issue.