RedProtect Cities Plus 2.7.6
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UploadedJan 25, 2015
Size103.25 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
- CB 1.7.9-R0.2
Release version for 1.7 and 1.8
Version 2.7.6:
- addition Full Support for both Spigot/Bukkit 1.7 and 1.8;
- addition Protection against lightining. Some plugins give the /zeus power for player, and now protected regions give aditional protection for summoned lightnings. This feature is under flag "fire", because lightning is like a explosion.
- addition Added command to convert all regions from plugin "MyChunk" to RedProtect. The command is "/rp mychunkconvert" and need be op to use (or console). On start the server, Redprotect will detect and hook, and will show you the command again!
- addition Now players can use any type of fences and fence gates to protect your regions.
fixedDrop type now work as spected.- Some fixes and improvementes.
- IMPORTANT: Changes on configuration (if you already use the plugin).
- The section "block-id" now use struct with "REDSTONE" ou "FENCE"! Change this on your config file;
- Added new option to enable/disable the built-in private protection for chests and containers;
- See the new config file here: Click me
All change logs here: Click here!
None ATM :) Please report here if you find one.