RedProtect Plus 2.3.1
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UploadedDec 17, 2014
Size82.01 KB
Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.8.1
Version 2.3.1:
- BUGFIX: Fix for container protection with signs: When you place a sign in a not container(or you is not in front of the container), now the sign will drop!
Version 2.3:
- BUGFIX: When place Paintings in a non RP region, get error on console.
- ADDED: Own protection for chests, furnaces, hoppers, dispensers and droppers for this items inside reginos;
- This is good if you add more players on your region and want your chests to be private for you;
- To use this, put a sign on your container with "[private]" on first line, and add more players to allow to use on lines 3 and 4;
- If you remove the region, all is unprotected;
- You can personalize the line for protection to use the same signs from other protection plugin(like Lockette) to port from/to;
Version 2.2:
- Added full multilanguage support, then you can translate ANYTHING!;
- Solved black region name when created new regions (Spigot 1.8);
- Full support for old regions, from old version of redProtect;
- Solved from last version: Owners and members of a region can't interact with horses and armour stand not completly protected;
- Refactor various commands to show the information more organized;
- Added pages for /rp list.
Version 2.1:
- Added reload command, including usage for console;
- Now can protect Horses, ItemFrames been stolen using fishing rod and bows, and deny crops tramplings for non members of a region (Buged on latest build);
- Using only one file for configs and flags, now with .yml for better and easy configuration;
Version 2.0:
- Added protection to Crps, when players jumps under crop farm in a protected area;
- Added support to Horses. Horses cant be clicked and mounted in protected areas;
- For Spigot 1.8: Added support for new fences and new fence gates.
None :)