Part of the Minds of Chimera Project (dev)
CodeBlocks | MOCPlaytimeTracker | MOCDBLib | RegenBlock | MOCGoodEats | MOC3DImporter | ImageImport | MOCKiosk | MOCRater | MOCFizziks | GravitySheep | MOCChemistry | MOCRegistry
RegenBlock allows a creation of regions within Minecraft worlds that have a certain re-spawn timer assigned to them. Once a block in the region is destroyed by a player or a new block is placed it will regenerate to the old state after the timer is up.
Example uses
Regeneration of natural resources in certain areas, resetting of region to an earlier state - in a tutorial area on my server, there is a broken bridge that has to be repaired by the player, but after the player does so the bridge would normally remain fixed for the next player that does the tutorial, with RegenBlock I am able to "regenerate" old broken bridge. Can be possibly used as anti-griefing to some degree, but it will only check events associated with played placing or destroying blocks, not tnt, lava fire etc.
regenblock.self - all or nothing permission for the use of any commands
(all at op level)
- Selection
- /rb select (ex,ey,ez) - Starts/stops player's selection mode. ex/ey/ez will expand selection in that direction. Y is vertical.
- /rb listselection - Lists player's current selection points.
- Editor
- /rb edit - Puts you into editor mode that allows you to change blocks in a region without triggering the re-spawn.
- Info
- /rb info - Print out information about the region in front of the character
- /rb list - lists all regions
- Global Blacklist
- /rb blacklist add/remove (id id id ...) - adds/removes supplied block IDs. Blacklisted blocks will be ignored by the plugin and not regenerated.
- Reload
- /rb reload - Reloads the configuration file. Use this if you updated regions through config.yml and have to reload it.
- Region management
- /rb create (name) [re-spawn time] - Creates a region based on your selection from /rb select
- /rb remove (name) - removes region from the list
- /rb type [typeId] - sets region type, 0 for normal, 1 for mine. Mine will regenerate only upwards and with random blocks that you specify with /rb spawnblock
- /rb sync [0/1/2/3] - sets region to regenerate all at once or not, 0 - normal operation, 1 - all blocks re-spawn at once based on first block broken, 2 - same as 1, but based on last block broken, 3 - blocks re-spawn in normal order, but shifted in time based on last block broken.
- /rb modify (name) [re-spawn time] - modify existing region
- /rb modify time (name) (re-spawn time) - modify existing region's re-spawn time
- /rb alarm time/message/radius (name) (value)- changes the region's alarm settings. Alarm will go off before blocks are due for re-pop to warn players.
- /rb rblacklist (name) add/remove (id id id ...) - adds/removes supplied block IDs for region. Blacklist blocks for a specific region.
- /rb feedback (name) (type) - sets feedback type for the region. 0 - none, 1 - on place, 2 - on place/remove
- /rb feedback set (string) - sets string sent to player during region feedback. Use TIME to show re-spawn time.
- /rb spawnblock (name) - lists region's spawn blocks.
- /rb spawnblock add (name) [id chance id chance...] - adds new blocks with spawn chance. Chances do not need to add up to 100.
- /rb spawnblock remove (name) [id id id...] - removes blocks.
- /rb repop (name) - Re-spawns all blocks in a given region
Method available directly from RegenBlock class.
public void regenBlock(Location location, Material material, byte data, Player player, Boolean isBreakEvent) location - block's location material - what material block should be set to once restored data - data value for the restored block player - player that broke/placed the block isBreakEvent - test if this is a BlockBreak of BlockPlace event.
Hi, I've noticed a bug in the plugin. The bug is that all moveable blocks (water, lava, gravel, sand etc.) doesn't move when you for example place the lava or water out or removing a block under sand and gravel. Please fix this as soon as possible.
Hi, Is it a bug that blocks modified by RealisticTNT are kept in their position and not repopulated.
This is basically my case.
Not too sure, from what it looks like OtherDrops tries to access something that's not there in RegenBlock.
I don't have much time to work on this at the moment.
Here is the source code if someone wants to work on it.
Hi, I have RegenBlock and OtherDrops installed on the server and the blocks that should respawn, respawns instantly, even though I set a custom respawn cooldown. Do you know why this happens?
Could you please update to 1.5.2, I'd really really appreciate it, all I need it for is regenerating ore and trees lol
Hello! Why won't regenblock repop tnt and some redstone no matter what I do?
Please address the async tick ticket it causes a Huge crash.
Is there a reason why in certain areas inside a region blocks wont regen?
This plugin contains a dupe bug. It doesn't register pistons/water&lava flow.
Example: I have 1 diamondblock. I place it into regenerating region. If block has been moved using piston, it doesn't disappear at respawn time. But I can destroy my diamondblock one more time, again and again.
Example 2: Obsidian, which maked when lava meet water, doesn't disappear.
Also, buckets of water/lava don't cause block respawn.
Pistons dont get restored :o also doors and redstone ;o can you make it possible to restore them to original state ?
Not using that.
Here is the line that caused the crash
Block b = block.getLocation().getBlock();
block is not Block, it's just class of mine that stores the location among other data.
I don't have time atm to track it down any more than that. Maybe over the weekend.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE for the love of god stop using unstable async tasks.
Anyway to get to the dev builds? Any idea when this will be updated cause i am getting the same errors as below.
Well the error you are getting basically means regenblock was compiled with one version of Java and you are running it with something older.
Although I'm not sure how that can happen if you can run it fine with 1.4.7, you'd think Java on the system would be the same, unless 1.5 bukkit forces to run version 6 or something.
My plugins are all compiled under version 7 of Java.
Hey Raidendex
I didn't realise the 1.4.7 ver was working for everyone else in 1.5.1. Fool me for assuming the update broke it. :)
Anyways, RegenBlock was working great under 1.4.7. I first saw this error when I upgraded to Bukkit dev build for 1.5.1, and I still get it with the release of the beta build. I run with WorldGuard/WordEdit, Essentials, and Bpermissions, and then a handful of more specific mods. Does that suggest anything to you? Thx for your time. Love the mod. Allows me to do some cool things for my newbies. :)
Would it be possible to enable or disable the physics of falling sand? Instead of making the plugin determine whether it should fall or not, make it default no physics and if the user chooses, enable? My problem is i have a row of pistons that are on and when a button is pressed they momentarily retract, allowing 4 rows of sand fall into the void leaving one row to walk over. This makes a wall, and i want to be able to make the sand regenerate automatically so i don't have to go back and place them manually.
Woot thank god the beta build finally came out. Can't wait to be able to update :D
How is it not working, errors?
Last I tried it with the dev build it worked fine for me. So I don't really see what needs to be changed as of right now.
Not sure why they're taking so long to move past the Dev build of bukkit, but I took the plunge to test it, and it turns out this is one of only two mods on my server which are not working in 1.5.1
Not to rush, but just curious if you are currently working on a 1.5 update, or if you are holding off until Bukkit releases a beta or recommended build? It will determine whether I disable an area before I let my players onto the 1.5 server