Delayed timers #7

  • New
  • Enhancment
Assigned to _ForgeUser8433984
  • _ForgeUser5468275 created this issue Feb 23, 2013

    (Quote Raidendex:)
    "Every new block added to the queue will update respawn times of all other blocks in queue from the same region."
    Example: (Quote Azpet)
    "I'm attacking a castle and breaking the walls etc. But I don't want the walls te regen when I'm still attacking. After the attack (when no more blocks are being edited and a timer has gone by) the castle would need to regen so it's ready for a next attack."

    P.S. Maybe make it so you can chance between what you have now and this.

  • _ForgeUser5468275 added the tags New Enhancment Feb 23, 2013

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