Improvement for Worldguard #11

  • New
  • Enhancment
  • _ForgeUser8532313 created this issue May 20, 2012

    ----What is the enhancement in mind? How should it look and feel?----
    I recently placed a jukebox with a repeating record. To force that no one can remove the repeating record, I created a region with WorldGuard and set the 'use'-flag to deny, so nobody can interact with the jukebox.
    It works - the disc doesn't eject anymore - but when I right click the jukebox it says 'Repeating record has been removed.'
    The disc stays in the jukebox, but the repeating function was turned off.

    If there is any way to check if the disc was really ejected that would be great.
    An other solution would be to add a new property which can be toggled: The disc can be ejected by anyone or just by the owner/by users which have the neccessary permission.
    Hope you can understand my problem :)

  • _ForgeUser8532313 added the tags New Enhancment May 20, 2012

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