Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- NEW FLAG: `@KnowledgeBookItem <namespace:key>, [...]`
- NEW FLAG: `@TropicalFishBucketItem <arguments> | [...]`
- Arguments: `bodycolor <dyecolor>, pattern <pattern>, patterncolor <dyecolor>`
- NEW FLAG: `@MapItem <arguments>`
- See your 'recipe flags.html' file for usage information
- NEW: /rmextract: Added a comment with namespace:key format to help with `@KnowledgeBookItem`
- NEW: `BookItem`: Added generation argument
- NEW: `@EnchantItem` and `@EnchantedBook`: Added `{rand #1-#2}` support
- NEW: `@ItemNBT`: Added full variable support
- NEW: Random numbers from `{rand}` can now be reused throughout a recipe instead of just the flag they are in with the `{rand #1}` format
- FIX: Random integers from `{rand #1-#2}` arguments weren't properly random
- FIX: Recipes with variables weren't processing the variables for simple recipes
- FIX: /rmcreaterecipe and /rmextract: Increased support for most flags
- FIX: /rmcreaterecipe: Improved `@ingredientcondition` support
- FIX: `@BannerItem`: Validate recipe has a banner item when parsing the recipe
- FIX: `@RepairCost`: Add option to customize prepareLore message and disable by default
- NEW: `@Summon`: Added support for arrowcooldown, arrowsinbody, invisible, persistent, and nocollision
- NEW: `@Summon`: Added support for bees: `beeanger <ticks>, beecannotenterhiveticks <ticks>, beehasnectar, beehasstung`
- FIX: `@Summon`: Guardian elder property wasn't being set
- FIX: `@ForChance`: Fix flag appending
- NEW: `@ForChance`: Allow any flag to be appended to a group, not just the same flag
- FIX: FuelRecipe: Fixed placing custom fuels
- FIX: FuelRecipe: Fixed an error when moving fuels out using a number key
- FIX: 1.13+ FuelRecipe: Fixed processing custom fuels
- NEW: `@Cooldown`: Cooldowns are now saved and reloaded on server start
- NEW: `@Cooldown`: Added day suffix
- NEW: Added 'save-frequency' config options: brewingstands, campfires, composters, cooldowns, and furnaces
- Defaults to 30 minutes. Will only save if any data is changed in the given interval
- NEW: Block data is saved on /rmreload