Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.16
- 1.15
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- NEW: 1.16.2: @Hide: Added support for hiding dyes from colored leather armors
- NEW: 1.16.1: New @compass flag to set compass locations
- Format: @compass <worldName> <x> <y> <z> | [requiresLodestone]
- NEW: 1.16: Add Soul Campfire support to Campfire recipes
- NEW: 1.16: Add nether compost items
- NEW: 1.16: Smithing Recipe support
- NEW: Added new config "update-check.log-new-only" that defaults to true to reduce log spam
- FIX: 1.16: @SkullOwner not setting texture
- FIX: 1.13: Combine recipe book header
- FIX: 1.13: Recipe book ingredients for craft/combine recipes
- FIX: 1.12 and below: Fixed result flags in simple recipes
- FIX: @ForChance, @ForDelay, @ForRepeat: error message was using the child flag in errors
- FIX: @ForDelay, @ForRepeat: some flags weren't being allowed that should be
- FIX: Handle IllegalStateException if somehow adding a duplicate recipe, allowing for other recipes to still work
- FIX: Grindstone and Cartography recipes: Fixed crafting single items when in a stack
- FIX: Compost recipes
- FIX: "/RecipeManager/recipes/disabled/" has been moved and renamed to "/RecipeManager/extracted/"
- This should auto convert if upgrading from an older version
- This also means you can use "/RecipeManager/recipes/disabled/" for your own recipes now
- FIX: Update checker being disabled shouldn't block /rmupdate from checking for updates