Supported Bukkit Versions
- 1.14
- 1.13
- 1.12
- 1.11
- 1.10
- 1.9
- 1.8
- FIX: Custom smelting times in 1.12 and older
- FIX: Smelting recipes with custom fuel wasn't checking the last fuel correctly
- FIX: @SkullOwner and @NBT will be called first to avoid overwriting meta. These flags no longer need to be the first flag
- FIX: @NoResult shift clicking was still giving results
- FIX: @PotionItem: base potion effect wasn't being set correctly. Conditions no longer care about order
- FIX/NEW: @PotionItem: added base potion color support. Format: "color <r> <g> <b>"
- FIX: @IngredientCondition, @HoldItem, @CloneIngredient: Fixed setting rgb and rgb range in color condition
- FIX: /rmfinditem throwing errors due to old material ids
- FIX/NEW: Add tab complete to /rmfinditem, /rmextract, /rmgetbook, /rmrecipes