
Commands summary and Permissions

All players accesses
Client can make transactions into shops (without this permission, no shopping allowed !)
/rshop help /rs h Help pages summary
Shop owners commands
/rshop [info] /rs [i] Give informations about selected shop
/rshop create [<name>] /rs c Create a shop realshop.create
/rshop delete /rs delete Delete a shop realshop.delete
/rshop give [<player>] /rs g Give your shop to another player realshop.give
/rshop open /rs op Open the shop (opened by default)
/rshop close /rs cl Close the shop (temporarily) realshop.close
/rshop buy [+<id>][-<id>] /rs b Add/remove items id from the "what clients can buy" list
Without id : it will tell you the current list
/rshop sell [+<id>][-<id>] /rs s Add/remove items id from the "what clients can sell" list
Without id : it will tell you the current list
/rshop xbuy [+<id>][-<id>] /rs xb Add/remove items id from the "what clients can't buy" list
Without id : it will tell you the current list
/rshop xsell [+<id>][-<id>] /rs xs Add/remove items id from the "what clients can't sell" list
Without id : it will tell you the current list
/rshop marketItemsOnly on/off /rs mi 1/0 This shop will buy/sell only items that have a price on the market (default is on) realshop.marketitemsonly
/rshop damagedItems on/off /rs di 1/0 This shop will accept damaged items (default is off) realshop.damageditems
/rshop addAssistant <player> /rs aa Add an shop assistant realshop.addassistant
/rshop removeAssistant <player> /rs ra Remove an assistant realshop.removeassistant
/rshop price /rs p Output all the items player's prices
/rshop price <itemId> /rs p Output the player's price for item id realshop.price.display
/rshop price <itemId> <buyPrice> [<sellPrice>] /rs p Set the player's price for item id realshop.price.set
/rshop price del <itemId> /rs p d Delete the player's price for item id realshop.price.del
Operators commands / accesses
Shop operator can execute shop management commands for shops you don't own realshop.op
/rshop reload /rs rel Reload all configuration files realshop.reload
/rshop check /rs chk Display informations about players currently in chests and opened files realshop.check
/rshop market /rs m Output all the items market prices into the realshop.log log file
/rshop market <itemId> /rs m Output the market price for item id
/rshop market <itemId> <buyPrice> [<sellPrice>] /rs m Set the market price for item id
/rshop market del <itemId> /rs m d Delete the market price for item id
/rshop infiniteBuy on/off /rs ib 1/0 Clients will buy infinite items into this shop (auto-reload). You should do this with admin/server shops only (default is on) realshop.infinitebuy
/rshop infiniteSell on/off /rs is 1/0 Clients will sell infinite items into this shop (sold items automatically deleted). You should do this with admin/server shops only (default is on) realshop.infinitesell
Admin commands / accesses
/rshop cleanup delete ghost shops references realshop.cleanup
/rshop log /rs log display the total amount of purchased / sold items or each type today (from last server launch in fact) realshop.log
/rshop simul /rs sim Simulation of daily price recalc, based on amount of purchased / sold items of the day realshop.simul
/rshop daily /rs day Execute daily price recalc, based on amount of purchased / sold items of the day realshop.daily


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