
RealMail - Configuration

dateformat: MM/dd/yy hh:mma zzz
#The date format shown on letters
universal_mailboxes: false
#Allow players to access their mailbox from any mailbox
enable_attachments: true
#Allow players to attach items to their letters
login_notification: true
#Show an unread mail notification on login
mailbox_rows: 2
#Size of the mail box, 2 rows of 9 slots = 18 slots
max_attachments: 4
#Maximum number of item stacks that can be attached
let_players_spawn_stationary: false
#Let players use "/mail new" to spawn stationery for free
lock_mailboxes: true
#Lock mailboxes so only the owner can open them
prefix: "&f[&6Mail&f]"
#Set the prefix for all chat messages, use & for color codes
verbose_errors: false
#Show stack traces for debugging