RealJobs - RealStats based jobs plugin
Have fun with this jobs plugin, that can manage tons of minecraft player jobs thanks to the complete statistics plugin RealStats
- persistent dynamic xp (gain xp even if you have no job)
- fun bonus for experimented players
- You need RealPlugin to make this work !
- You need RealStats to make this work !
- Download the RealJobs.jar file
- That's it !
Commands for the player (short command)
- /jobxp : show your xp for your various jobs (/xp)
Commands for the admin (short command)
- /jobreload : reload the jobs.yml file (/jr)
- /jobxp playername : show the xp of the player's job (/xp)
- /setjob playername jobname : set a job of the player (replaces existing jobs, /sj)
- /addjob playername jobname : add a job to the player (keep existing jobs, /aj)
- /remjob playername jobname : remove a job for the player (/rj)
You can configure jobs that are available on your server with the plugins/RealJobs/jobs.yml YAML file. Beware ! YAML respect spaces !
lame, plugins that have not been updated to at least the most recent 2-3 versions should be deemed inactive and removed , so that people like my self dont waste our time with them.
For me, nobody has the permission to use it.
Does this plug-in support 1.6.1?
Dude i don't want to download RealPlugin .........
Are you going to update to 1.3?
Doesn't work for me either.
By the way, the link to RealStats (above), links to RealPlugin instead. Once I figured that out I manually found the RealStats page and downloaded. Plugs are loaded fine. No errors. Folders created. Config.yml created as well. But in game, no commands work. I am op.
I'm runnning latest version of Real plugins dated Mar 06, 2012.
I'm running bukkit 1.2.5 R1.0
Suggestions welcome.
Seems overkill to have so many dependencies though. Would prefer a single file.
Do not work at all for me.
Forlders are created, I can configure whatever I want, but once in game, I can gain xp or anything else... The commands aren't working as well. When I type it, nothing happens, not even an error message. Weird.
Interesting. This could help me develop a neat skill system on my server. I used to have DwarfCraft before that died pre-release. What are your future plans for this development? I'm intrigued.
If you don't mind, could we have a chat about it sometime?
Note: Just tested on bukkit 2034, everything works fine except archery doesn't reward any xp for killing with a bow.
Not sure if its just me but it wont generate the RealJobs folder. I am already using realplugin realshop and realstats. =/ plugins/RealJobs/jobs.yml won't generate =/