This plugin provides you the fastest and simpliest way for automatizing your rank expirations! It's usefull, if you would like to give out trial versions of ranks for your players for a certain time, i.e. free premium rank for a hour.
The config.yml file contains only one really simple and usefull setting, the rank restore command. This command would be executed from console, when someones rank has been expired. The default setting is for group manager.
Commands and permissions
/ranktime <player> <rankrestoretime-in-sec> Permission: ranktime.use
What happens, when the rank expires, when the player isn't online?
The rank would be restored, when the player joins to the server.
Which server versions are supported?
This plugin supports the newest 1.8.x and also the older 1.7.x or even more older versions too.
Can I see/copy/modify your source?
No, sorry, the plugins source isn't public. Please do NOT try to "steal" it
Does this plugin have any dependencies?
No, it doesn't.
How can I use it for making 30 day long ranks?
You need to use 2 commands for it:
1. Your permission manager plugins group set command, i.e. /manuadd playername Premium
2. The ranktime command, with the number of secound of the 30 day, which can be calculated easily: It is 30x24x60x60=2592000, so your second command could be i.e. /ranktime playername 2592000