
Usage and Scalability

Ranker can automatically run commands to give players rewards/permissions based on their performance/stat (pvp, pve, time, and wealth) that satisfy requirements defined by server Ops/Admins. With absolutely no configuration, Ranker works as a light-weight and simple stats tracker. Ranker's features and functions depends on the data in config.yml. Unlock as much or as little features and functions as you wish. Add Vault.jar and Ranker will use your server's economy currency as a stat. Define requirements, rewards, custom messages and commands and ranker works automatically. Set commands to do anything including grant players permissions, powers, items, and/or other rewards. Ops/Admins can control Ranker completely from within the game using commands. Commands can also provide feedback of current values in config.yml. Players and Console can display both online and offline player stats as well as modify them.

Ranker config.yml

Ranker's typical config.yml is organized into the following root sections:

  • autorank - contains the ranks, requirements, rewards, messages, and commands
  • stats - contains the appearance of of /ranker stats
  • chatformat - contains the appearance of each rank title
  • general - ranker chat mode, debug mode, How Ranker affect operators
  • mysql - MySQL support for synchronizing player stats to database
Simple Config.yml Example
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      requirement: money=10
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      requirement: money=20
  line2: ' &3{RANK} &2{PLAYER}'
  Peon: '&a{RANK} {PLAYER}&3: &9'
  Citizen: '&a{RANK} {PLAYER}&3: &9'
  debug: false
  chat: false
  operator: false
  enable: false
  username: root
  password: password
  port: 3306
  database: minecraft
  table: ranker
  update: 45
  keepalive: true
Extended Config.yml Example
  chat: false
  debug: false
  operator: false
  enable: false
  username: root
  password: password
  port: 3306
  database: minecraft
  table: ranker
  update: 45
  keepalive: true
      rankupmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Peon rank!'
      rankupmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage2: ' You ranked down to Peon rank!'
      rankdownmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankupcommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankupcommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupcommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 100
      rankdowncommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankdowncommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankdowncommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 1
      rankdowncommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 1
      rewardinfo: '100 stacks of wood, dirt, and some new commands!'
      requirement: money=0
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankupcommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankupcommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupcommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} stone 100
      rankupmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Citizen rank!'
      rankupmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage2: ' You ranked down to Citizen rank!'
      rankdownmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdowncommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankdowncommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankdowncommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 1
      rankdowncommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 1
      requirement: money=1000
      requirement: money=2000
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankupcommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankupcommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupcommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} stone 100
      rankupcommand5: server:/give {PLAYER} stonesword 1
      rankupmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Recruit rank!'
      rankupmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage2: ' You ranked down to Recruit rank!'
      rankdownmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdowncommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankdowncommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankdowncommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 1
      rankdowncommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 1
      rankupmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Peon rank!'
      rankupmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage2: ' You ranked down to Peon rank!'
      rankdownmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankupcommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankupcommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupcommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 100
      rankdowncommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankdowncommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankdowncommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 1
      rankdowncommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 1
      rewardinfo: '100 stacks of wood, dirt, and some new commands!'
      requirement: money=0
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankupcommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankupcommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupcommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} stone 100
      rankupmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Citizen rank!'
      rankupmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage2: ' You ranked down to Citizen rank!'
      rankdownmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdowncommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankdowncommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankdowncommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 1
      rankdowncommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 1
      requirement: money=1000
      requirement: money=2000
      rankupcommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankupcommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankupcommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupcommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} stone 100
      rankupcommand5: server:/give {PLAYER} stonesword 1
      rankupmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned King rank!'
      rankupmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdownmessage2: ' You ranked down to King rank!'
      rankdownmessage3: '&8--------------------------------------------'
      rankdowncommand1: server:/perm player setgroup {PLAYER} {RANK}
      rankdowncommand2: server:/perm reload
      rankdowncommand3: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 50
      rankdowncommand4: server:/give {PLAYER} dirt 50
  line1: '&8--------------------------------------------'
  line2: ' &3{RANK} &2{PLAYER}'
  line3: '&6 {PVP} &aplayers killed!'
  line4: ' &6{PVE} &amonsters/animals killed.'
  line5: ' &6{TIME} &aminutes played.'
  line6: ' &6${MONEY} &ain wealth.'
  line7: '&8--------------------------------------------'
  Peon: '&a{RANK} {PLAYER}&3: &9'
Ranker Commands allows Complete Control over config.yml

The following are 2 examples of defining requirement(s) for the Peon rank

  • description: (player must have atleast $1000 AND a pvp score of 4)
  • command: /ranker worldName.Peon.requirement money=1000+pvp=4
  • description: (player must have atleast $1000 AND a pvp score of 4) OR (have playtime of atleast 120 minutes) OR (have killed atleast 50 monsters) OR (have killed atleast 30 players)
  • command: /ranker worldName.Peon.requirement money=1000+pvp=4;time=120;pve=50;pvp=30
More on how to Modify config.yml by Commands

Command parameter corresponds directly to the format within the config.yml file. The following demonstrates a sequence of changes to the config.yml with each command used. Also Note Below: Ranker displays the current value of the config node if no value parameters are included!

  • permission node: ranker.* (default: op)
  • command: /ranker autorank.world.Peon.rankupcommand1 server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupcommand1: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
  • command: /ranker autorank.world.Peon.rankupmessage2 ' You earned Peon rank!'
      rankupcommand1: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Peon rank!'
  • command: /ranker autorank.world.Peon.requirement time=0
      rankupcommand1: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Peon rank!'
      requirement: time=0
  • command: /ranker autorank.world.Peon.requirement
  • displays: (existing) time=0
  • command: /ranker autorank.world.Peon.requirement remove
      rankupcommand1: server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
      rankupmessage2: ' You earned Peon rank!'
/ranker list 
    description: list all ranks, requirements, and rewards within a world.
/ranker stats
    description: show stats
/ranker stats <player>
    description: show stats of <player>
/ranker autorank.<worldName>.<rankName>.<options> <values>
    description: edit autorank data in config.yml
/ranker chatformat.<rankName> <values>
    description: edit chatformat in config.yml
/ranker stats.line<1-8> <values>
    description: edit stats format in config.yml
/ranker save-all
    description: saves all player's stats to server before a /reload
/ranker general.chat <true|false>
    description: turn Ranker chat mode on/off.
/ranker general.debug <true|false>
    description: turn Ranker debug mode on/off.
/ranker general.operator <true|false>
    description: include/exclude operators from calling Ranker's messages/commands, (false prevents operators from getting downranked)
/ranker reset <player> rank
    description: reset player rankName
/ranker reset <player> <pvp|pve|time> <value>
    description: reset player stats to specified value.
/ranker give <player> <pvp|pve|time> <value>
    description: add value to specified player stats.
/ranker import autorank
    description: imports autorank player's time into Ranker playerData
        description: Allow use of op commands.
        default: op
        ranker.stats.self: true
        ranker.stats.other: true
        ranker.list: true
        ranker.save.all: true
        description: Show my stats.
        description: Show other player's stats.
        description: List the ranks, requirements, and rewards within a world.
        description: Call rank commands when rank up to that rank.
        description: Call rank commands when rank down to that rank
        description: Call rank messages when rank up to that rank.
        description: Call rank messages when rank down to that rank.
        description: Change your rank when you rank up. Setting this to false will disable both message and command.
        description: Change your rank when you rank down. Setting this to false will disable both message and command.
        description: Allow player to save all player's stats to server.
Player and Server Command Example
  • command: /ranker autorank.world.Peon.rankupcommand1 server:/give {PLAYER} wood 100
  • description: console server will send the command
  • command: /ranker autorank.world.Peon.rankupcommand2 player:/me just ranked!
  • description: the player will send the command
Mechanics with Permissions
  • permission node: ranker.command.rankup (default: op)
  • description: Call rank commands when rank up to that rank.
  • permission node: ranker.command.rankdown (default: op)
  • description: Call rank commands when rank down to that rank
  • permission node: ranker.message.rankup (default: op)
  • description: Call rank messages when rank up to that rank.
  • permission node: ranker.message.rankdown (default: op)
  • description: Call rank messages when rank down to that rank.
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