Version 1.3.2
A simple, lightweight plugin, allowing your players to pay to switch ranks on a pre-determined track. You can configure a different track of ranks by which your players can progress on, and define a price for each rank. This plugin works with any Vault compatible permissions plugin, such as PermissionsEx and GroupManager.
This plugin is dependent upon Vault.
Note: While this plugin has not been updated in a while, it still should work on the latest version of Spigot/Craftbukkit. If it is not working, there is probably a problem with your configuration, or you do not have Vault.
- Configuration Guide
- Source Code (outdated)
Download the latest version of the plugin here. Put the file in your server's plugins folder. When you start/reload your server, the configuration file will be created automatically.
Additionally, this plugin requires Vault and an economy and permissions plugin compatible with Vault.
Then, you need to edit the configuration which will be inside your /plugins/rankup/ folder under the name 'config.yml.' Follow the configuration guide to configure the plugin.
Once you have configured the plugin to your liking, type /rankup reload.
Rankup Signs: To create a Rankup sign, simply enter "[Rankup]" ( without the quotes ) on the first line of a sign. Do not add any other text to the sign. When you right click the sign, you will rankup as if you had entered the /rankup command.
- /rankup - Rank up to the next available rank.
- /rankup version or /rankup v - Check the version of the plugin currently running.
- /rankup reload or /rankup r - Reload the configuration.
- rankup.* - Grant all rank up permissions.
- rankup.rankup - Ability to do /rankup ( Not /rankup v or /rankup r, they require seperate permissions)
- rankup.version - Ability to do /rankup version or /rankup v
- rankup.reload - Ability to do /rankup reload or /rankup r
- rankup.sign - Ability to create and remove Rankup signs.
Version 1.3.2
- + Fixed an issue where ranks might not have been deleted with override set to false.
Version 1.3.1
- + Fixed an issue with the default language file.
- + Fixed an issue where players would only be set to the new rank in their world.
- + Fixed an issue where players would only be able to rankup once.
- + Fixed an issue where previous ranks would not be removed from a player.
Version 1.3
- + Language file
- + Updated and fixed
- - Removed Metrics
Version 1.2
- + Rankup signs
- + Permission node rankup.sign
Version 1.1.4
- + Fixed issues with /rankup
Version 1.1.3
- + Fixed issues with GroupManager
Version 1.1.2
- + Fixed the /rankup command
Version 1.1
- + Metrics
- + Bug fixes
Version 1.0
- + Initial release.
The plugin's source code is available here. (outdated)
Official Server: Evolve Economy: evolve.beastmc.com
It is not working, i try to put me in default rank( A) and do /rankup F and nothing happen, i see nothing in the console and on the chat...player can simply do /rankup to rankup to the next rank, is it normal? I add the permission into permission file, but i thnik command not works with 1.6.4
/rankup list command not working too. :( WHY, is-it normal?
Thank you and when you add /ranks command to see all ranks availabl, description about the rank, colorcode ( & ) and the price of the rank? It can be awesome in the UPDATE :)
@maxlehot1234 you You can do this by giving the permission: rankup.* to a group.
Did you give your groups the permission: rankup.rankup, if you did you also have to set up the configuration so that may be the problem. Look at the Installation section on this page and click on "configuration guide" for an example.
Is it possible to add this:
When a player have rank A and have 10 millions $$, is it possible for him to upggrade to any rank he want with: /rankup F for example?
Because if he not want to use b,c,d,e rank, he can rankup directly to F rank, but it can use ranks he dosent buy, is it possibl eto add this?
Sorry for my bad english, i'm french....
I type /rankup
And server send me:
Your are not in a group that can rank up!?
What is the problem???
Can I Have A Video To See How To Setup The Config? Thanks!
Check Out My Server dub3gaming.mcserver.ws
Do you have vault?
when i do /rankup it says No valid permissions plugin found. Tell a adminidtrator. But i do use PEX for the permissions
When will this updated to 1.7.4?
Can you add in the config.yml something to change the ranked up message
I am working on implementing this with the plugin for the 1.7 update.
Perhaps if this plugins had a /ranks command and was able to list ranks and their prices? :P That honestly would be easy code and a great addition to this plugin for the 1.7.2/1.7.4 update!
@FVZA add me on skype to help plz seif.ford
Hey i have this problem where it lets me go from a to b but then i cant go any higher evan tho i have alot more ranks added plz help
Any updates :)?
It says in red An Internal error occured while atempting to preform this command
Can there be a prestige plugin added on to this? That would be cool
I apologize for having not made a comment on this.
I have had reports that the plugin is currently not functioning, for many users. I have not updated the plugin for 1.7.2 because there is no Bukkit build available for 1.7.2 - the developers are currently working on it. I will do my best to update the plugin as soon as a stable build is available!
Some users have also reported issues with 1.6.x versions of the plugins. I will be investigating these issues. For those experiencing these problems, it would be appreciated if you'd tell me what permissions plugin you are using. Configs would also be helpful.
Please fix the bug for 1.6.4 I made my ranks for my prison server and the default rank is Newbie then C then B then A etc but when a player joins they type /rankup and they get ranked to C but when they have enough money for the next rank it says [Player] was ranked up to C! and Im trying to solve why the plugin doesn't allow my players to go beyond C.